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lynxster creations ~ Happy 4th of July! ~ 7/02/24 πŸŽ†πŸ§¨


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Thank you, dear friends, for your lovely comments! Β Β :)

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Thank you, dear Seerose! Β  <3 Β :)

Edited by lynxster4
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I have been on an emotional rollercoaster these past couple of weeks.


On New Year's Day, I was blessed with my 3rd grandchild, and 4 days later the good Lord summoned my dad home.

He was in end-stage Parkinson's and it was a horrible thing to watch. Β I was so glad to be with him at the end.

I'm crying as I'm typing this...he was my last parent to go. Β I have a big hole in my heart that I hope time will heal.


I want to share a couple of pictures with my PDN family. Β This forum has helped me more than you will ever know. Β When I joined in late 2015, I was recovering from major surgery, and making art and participating in the forum was very therapeutic for me. Β Hopefully, I will rejoin you soon.


Β 28_aaron.pngΒ  Β 29_dad.png


Thank you to all my friends!!

Edited by lynxster4
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Thank you for sharing those thoughts Lynxster. You have my condolences on your loss.

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So sorry for your loss @Lynxster.Β  But, congratulations on your 3rd grandchild.Β  I echo your feelings about PDN.Β  It got me through my recovery after surgery as well.Β  Couldn't have done without it.Β  Hopefully you will be back soon on here.Β  Take careΒ :).

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How I madeΒ JenniferΒ &Β HalleΒ in Paint.net

My GalleryΒ |Β My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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Thank you everyone for your hugs, kisses and support! Β :)

I'll be okay...just need a little time to process my father's passing.

Not to mention I'm the executrix of his will and I'm freaking out......:noes:

I'll be popping in to leave comments, etc....I just don't feel like making any art right now. Β :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, @Rickhum, @Drydareelin. Β  Everything will be okay. Β Starting to feel a little better already.

Time is an amazing thing....:)

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