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Ego Eram Reputo

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Ego Eram Reputo last won the day on July 6

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About Ego Eram Reputo

  • Birthday 11/03/1965

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    North Canterbury, New Zealand
  • Interests
    Web design & graphic design. Chess, modelling, gaming & trail running. Fiddling with C#.

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  1. Confirmed the download links are not working. Let's give @MadJik a few days to fix the links.
  2. Not with any great accuracy, but you can use Alpha blurring (see post https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/120809-relief-map-generator/?do=findComment&comment=600506) Start with a layer filled with a semi-transparent color. Overlay an opaque blurred shape where you want the mountains. Run RMG and pump the reseed button until you get something you like.
  3. Hi @Frowny13 welcome to the forum You can smooth these numbers quite well with the Median Blur effect. Run it over the image at the default settings. You'll find the effect under Effects > Blurs > Median Blur Good luck!
  4. Why not add a ZIP file of the DLL to the first post as added insurance?
  5. Resize the insert images to their correct dimensions, then place them on their own (otherwise blank) layer above the layer with the background image. Align the insert image with this plugin:
  6. Confirmed with exactly the same results.
  7. This link to the Working with Layers page of the documentation might help https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/WorkingWithLayers.html
  8. Woooohooo! A new plugin! Thanks for this @BoltBait, and many thanks also for the annotated source code
  9. Yes, this is how paint.net denotes transparency. It's all to do with the position of the layers. Imagine layers are viewed from above in top-down order the same as presented in the Layers window. You're coloring a layer which is above the graphics, so what lies below is hidden. Try this: Add a new layer with Ctrl + Shift + N or Layers > Add New Layer. In the Layers window, drag the new layer below the one with the graphic on it. Highlight the new layer in the layers window. Fill with whatever color you choose.
  10. Have you read the documentation? https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/CloneStamp.html
  11. Is it possible there is a color profile attached to the image? In other words, did you create the image from a blank canvas or did you start with a download?
  12. July Update Another month goes by with no new plugins to report. I'll try setting traps
  13. You don't need to know where paint.net is installed as @BoltBait's installer puts the files in the correct place. Follow this advice:
  14. It's a DLL file inside the Zip file which you can download using the blue button in the first post. Are you not seeing the Zip file or the DLL?
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