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Red ochre

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Red ochre last won the day on April 6

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    The Seaside! West Sussex, England

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  1. I like the highlights on the middle-right one best! Perhaps try a less saturated, lower tone background, which may better bring out the butterfly's colour? (just personal taste thoughπŸ™‚ ).
  2. Plug-ins: 'flood fill gradient' can be used on objects - useful for gradients along a curved line. Alternatively create a gradient layer and distort the whole layer using a distort plug-in. 'Liquify' is very capable for manually changing a gradients shape and 'Distort this' is good for more geometric distortions. My own 'Gradients Galore' has a number of configurable gradient shapes too. The plug-in index is the best way to explore the available effects. Welcome to the forum too!
  3. @Ego Eram Reputo tested it at release (in that thread), perhaps if he too now gets a hang the plug-in should be marked depreciated/obsolete? ... Unless someone can fix it?
  4. Not sure if this is relevant or not but possibly an alternative? (haven't tried it myself) https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/28483-trs-selfeez-webcam-capture-v102-update-may-252014/
  5. These two plug-ins are worth trying: 1.https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/110969-paste-warp/ (You would first copy the text layer to the clipboard before selecting the trapezium on a different layer.) Or 2.https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/113886-text-distortion/ (Where you type in the text directly.)
  6. Welcome to the forum @Rabulias This is surprisingly tricky when using offset tiling... unfortunately hexagons don't fit nicely inside a rectangular 'brick' pattern. You could add another hex grid layer (offset so corners of one layer are over the centres of the first layer) to use as a temporary guide to position your 7 objects. (Using the arrow keys can move layers one pixel at a time.) Good luck ... it is tricky ... if other users can think of a better method, please post. I tried making a tile-able hexagon pattern but was few pixels out. πŸ™ here A hexagonal tiling plug-in would be ideal - but a challenge best left for those who have mastered the new plug-in system!
  7. The built-in Effects/Stylize/Edge Detect will give you useable colour outlines. Many ways to then get greys or only black or white (or dithered).
  8. @JAA Hope you feel better soon. You can only really get something to look hand drawn if it is hand drawn. I suggest you print out a faint version of your 'artwork' on paper, (perhaps just outlines) then draw the hatching by hand, then scan the image. It will take time, patience and a steady hand but mistakes are so easy to correct these days - no scrapping off Indian ink with a scalpel when the pen slips! ... just correct that area on the computer and re-do it.
  9. Red ochre

    IRONs Shapes

    Impressive! - thanks for sharing.
  10. Effects written with codelab can call built-in effects such as Gaussian blur, however I think what you want is something like Scriptlab, unfortunately that is obsolete.πŸ™
  11. Hope that helps... I've found it better to use 'using' statements to ensure graphics objects get disposed of.
  12. Good result @Welsh Yellow Cheddar Cobweb: This draws lines (or stars) based on the direction of how the tone of the image changes (tone gradient)... Draws tangents to any obvious lines on the source image. Gossamer: This works in two stages - first it finds points (shown as red dots on a black background. Aim to get a recognisable image at this stage but not too many dots). Second stage (remember to check the box) will join these found dots with straight lines. The only way to really understand these effects is to play with them!. Start with something simple eg. a black circle on a white background. Good luck!
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