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Pixey last won the day on June 4

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About Pixey

  • Birthday January 4

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Longboat Key,    Florida
  • Interests
    Travel, gardening, cooking, reading and working with PDN.

    Favourite books - Anna Karenina by Tolstoy & The Night in Lisbon by Remarque.

    Pop music - Lady by Modjo.
    - Mandolin Rain by Bruce Hornsby

    Classical - Wagner; Siegfried Idyll, Lohengrin.

    Liszt: Un Sospiro
    Shostakovich - Piano #2 Adante

    Movie: The English Patient.
    Out of Africa.

    I've had to scrap gardening :) as we've moved into a condo. But, can now add swimming/walking on the beach to my interests, as well as turtle/gator-watching and .... more recently Manatees :)


    Born in the UK and at the age of 5 moved to Malawi, Central Africa, where I lived for 22 years. After that 15 years in the USA (Maine, California & Texas) 12 years between Indonesia, Singapore & Thailand, 5 years in Switzerland, 8 years in the Isle of Man and now, thankfully, settled back in the good old US of A in Florida.

    Career: Travel Agent (before that - Medical Asst.)

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  1. They are all really lovely @lynxster4 and I do like the 'bumpy' texture' you have devised - it suits perfectly 👍
  2. @Frowny13 I've tried every which way to smooth out those numbers for you and it's proving to be difficult in this case. You can identify the font at this site: www.myfonts.com The first one it shows is for 'Eastman Condensed" and this can be found for free on: https://www.dafont.com/eastman-condensed.font so that you can make it yourself.
  3. Can you upload your PDN so I can play with it. Also, it's important how you merge the layers, please see this post: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/28293-merging-layers-down-with-different-blending-modes/?do=findComment&comment=408392
  4. Hello @bellaxx331 and welcome to the forum Perhaps give this a try - merge the second-to-lowest layer into the lowest layer, then use Ctrl + Shift + F.
  5. Hello @gmenasco and welcome to the forum Just 'uncheck' the layer in the layers window.
  6. Yes, it must be so annoying, and eve more so when one doesn't know why 😠 And that's what I say to myself every day 🤣
  7. Do you mean when dragging the Rectangle Select around the image, like this? It works fine for me. Could be your mouse perhaps?
  8. They are all wonderful characters @BlastOfBN You have done an exceptional job on all of them 😍
  9. Well, not exactly - because it could be so many things and many of us would not be able to help unless you showed us a before and after shot. 1. Did you use layers to add the colors, or did you add the colors straight onto the map?
  10. Happy Fourth @lynxster4 and hide the kitty for the fireworks
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