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Leather Texture


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This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download the PDF


Here is an alternate way to create a realistic leather texture.  Adapted from one of the many PS tutorials out there.


We will be making the 'base' texture and adding color to it.




Plugins needed:    NomBot's Tesserae

                                 Built-in Clouds plugin                     

                                 Red's Gradients Galore

                                 Null54's G'mic-Qt




Let's create a  new image 2048 x2048 with Primary Color set to Black and Secondary Color set to White.


Run Artistic-->Tesserae at the following settings:




Set the layer to Multiply.   Add a new layer.  Run Render-->Clouds at these settings:




Move the layer to the bottom and merge them.




Add a new layer.   Run Render-->Gradients Galore at these settings:




Return to the bottom layer (Tesserae-Cloud layer).   Run Advanced-->G'mic-Qt-->Testing-->Reptorian-->Emboss-Relief at these settings:




Be sure to Click 'Apply' and 'OK'.   Save this .pdn file so you can easily change the color of the leather for future projects.






All settings can be tweaked to your liking.  You can also use any coloring method you choose.  It's very versatile.






An example I quickly made to demonstrate the texture:





Enjoy this alternate way of making leather textures!  :)


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I'm sure something will come up and you will need that leather @Seerose   😄    (make a purse!)    :lol:


Thank you for trying the tutorial, you're a dear!   <3


Edited by lynxster4
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That's an interesting way to make leather - and quick too :)  Thank you @lynxster4 for the tutorial.


Great result @Seerose :star:


And now, some shoes to go with the hand bags (purses to Americans :) )






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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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Lovely purse @Seerose  <3    You'll find other uses for the leather texture, I'm sure.  ;)


What stunners @Pixey  <3    If I could wear high-heeled shoes again, I'd buy them.  Much more comfortable in my flats.  :D   You put a lot of detail into them!


Beautiful logo @DrewDale  <3   The horse kinda looks familiar?  Nice job with the two different tints of blue and the outline.  :)


Thank you all for the rep points and thank you to @ReMake  <3 @Maximilian  <3 and @Woodsy <3 for also repping!


Special thanks to @Woodsy  for attaching a PDF file. 💐


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  • 2 weeks later...

Wonderful belt @welshblue!  <3    Stitching is perfect and the buckle is so detailed.   Great job!  :)


Nice shading, too.

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