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paint.net 4.1.6 is now available!

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This update focuses on refreshing the app's theming with new high-res icons and improved support for high-DPI configurations. Some new menu commands have been added, such as File -> Save All, and a Turkish translation has been added.


If you’re using the Windows Store release, you should get the update automatically within the next 24 hours. You can also force an update check by following these instructions.


For the Classic release, you should be offered the update automatically within the next week or so. You can get the updater soon by going to ⚙ Settings → Updates → Check Now. You can also download and install it directly from the website.


  • New: Completely redone high-res icons throughout the app which match the Microsoft Office style guidelines, with native support for up to 400% scaling (384 DPI)
  • New: File -> Save All (thanks @Bruce Bowyer-Smyth!)
  • New: Turkish language
  • New: Move Layer commands are now present in the Layers menu, not just on the Layers window
  • New: Layers -> Rotate 180 (thanks @null54!)
  • New: Plugins can now use the UIScaleFactor class, which simplifies making decisions about DPI and scaling
  • Improved: Image thumbnail list at the top of the main window now reacts to horizontal mouse wheel or trackpad swiping
  • Improved: The Text Tool's "Font Size Metric" button now has a tooltip explaining it
  • Improved: When many images are open, Paint.NET now closes significantly faster (thanks @Bruce Bowyer-Smyth for the fix!)
  • Improved: File -> Open Recent now has up to 10 images (up from 8 )
  • Changed: Ctrl+Shift+F6 and +F7 will now also reset the floating window sizes for History and Layers, respectively (same if you Ctrl+Shift+Click on the button at the top-right of the main window)
  • Changed: (for plugins) EffectFlags.SingleRenderCall is deprecated. Plugins should use the new EffectRenderingSchedule.None option instead.
  • Changed: Settings -> Plugin Errors now shows up even if there are no plugin errors. This ensures consistency, especially with the newly asynchronous nature of plugin loading (otherwise there's no way to distinguish "no errors" from "not done loading plugins").
  • Fixed: Items in the File -> Open Recent menu will no longer get bigger or smaller when moving between monitors with different DPIs
  • Fixed: An icon handle was being leaked every time a dialog was opened (thanks @null54 for the fix!)
  • Fixed a crash when running GPU effects (e.g. Black & White) on very large, very tall images
  • Fixed: "Bad" plugins can no longer ruin the undo system by rendering outside of the selection (thanks @BoltBait for helping out with this!)


Enjoy! 😁😁😁

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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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It's nice.


The zoom icon in the lower right-hand corner can be toggled on and off when at 100% zoom with no apparent effect; maybe it should just display the icon without dotted lines if zoom is 100% regardless of when the user toggles it. That would be a clearer design because at 100% zoom, you are viewing a 1:1 ratio, and pretty clean in code I'd imagine.

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Wonderful.  Here's a write-up that I found online, here.   Didn't say much else that you didn't already say in your post, but it's nice to be recognized.  :)


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4 minutes ago, ToeKnee60 said:

I tried installing Paint.NET 4.1.6 and every time I get "Fatal error during installation" (see screenshot).
Previous versions installed no problem.

I am running Windows 10 (x64) 1809.


You can use this utility to remove the broken installation:



Then, try to install 4.1.6 again.

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To be honest i think i liked the old icons a bit more. Maybe it's just something to get used to but some of the new tool icons seem a bit too colorful now, like the shapes tool, while others are a bit harder to distinguish what they do/represent, for example the eraser or the recolor tool. In those cases the old ones seemed to their job a bit better imo.

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Took me a while to get used to the new icons after so many years of the old ones. Now I love the new ones.


Check out the new Frosted Glass icon (Effects > Distort) IconFrostedGlassEffect.png and it scales up amazingly image.png< that's beautiful!

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On 3/19/2019 at 12:36 AM, Rick Brewster said:

And before anyone asks (again): no, there is not a way to go back to the old icons :)


Haha, to be honest they are a bit of a [purple] change, may take some getting used to!

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I'm in the process of updating the paint.net documentation for the latest release.


Part of the project covers updating all the new icons. As you can imagine, I'm doing a lot of mental comparisons as I update the icons. I can honestly say I haven't found a single icon where I prefer the old version. Rick has put an astonishing amount of effort in to making them clear and distinct.


Remember the dear little airplane that was Dents? PaintDotNet.Icons.DentsEffectIcon.png  That's the only one I'm gonna actually miss 😄

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On 3/19/2019 at 12:36 AM, Rick Brewster said:

And before anyone asks (again): no, there is not a way to go back to the old icons :)

What?! Terrible idea! :(

Please don't make the mistakes Microsoft and Google have been making by trying to fix things that work perfectly. I love those old icons and hate the new ones. If you don't create an option to use the old ones I will stick eternally to the Paint.NET 4.1.5.

If it's not broken: don't fix it!

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36 minutes ago, :-) said:

If you don't create an option to use the old ones I will stick eternally to the Paint.NET 4.1.5.


Your attempt to use emotional blackmail is only going to mark you as a Luddite. 

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Have to agree the newer icons look sharper.  Even as I switch between a iMac and an extended monitor, the newer icons are sharper.


Seriously, some people just need to get over themselves or uninstall PDN and move on to another software.  The complaining is similar to what every parents face from their stomping, temper-tantrum throwing teenagers say, "If you love me, you would give me <insert request here>..."



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If I was to critique the icons, the duplicate icon doesn't look very distinguishing. To clarify, they look more like paper than colored glass on top of each other. Dents icon doesn't actually tell me what's the effect is, but that's ignorable. Colors in gradient icon in toolbar needs to be more distinguishable. Paint Bucket icon in toolbar, it should be a brighter color. Bright Red would do for the paint. Shape could be in Red, Green, Blue instead of Purple, Blue, and Green. Distinguish-ability is the only thing I would address.

Edited by Reptillian
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G'MIC Filter Developer


I am away from this forum for undetermined amount of time: If you really need anything related to my PDN plugin or my G'MIC filter within G'MIC plugin, then you can contact me via Paint.NET discord, and mention me.

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2 hours ago, Ego Eram Reputo said:


Your attempt to use emotional blackmail is only going to mark you as a Luddite. 


It’s basically a temper tantrum

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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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