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null54 last won the day on July 18

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  1. No, but you may be able to reuse parts of this plugin's PSP format parsing code. This library is only designed for loading and saving PSP images in Paint.NET, not as a general purpose PSP library for C# applications. The PSP format stores thumbnails in one of 2 optional sections depending on the format version, either the thumbnail block or the composite image bank block. Refer to the PSP file format specification for more details.
  2. Release version 1.12.10, which adds detection of TGA 2.0 files with a dds file extension.
  3. The OP seems to think that locking a layer would prevent all tools and effects from interacting with the layer, and I may be wrong but I don't think any image editor works that way. Locking layers would be useful for preventing accidental modification to the layer's contents, but it is a somewhat advanced feature. As an example, Adobe Photoshop has the following layer locking modes that can be combined to partially or fully disable editing of the layer contents: Lock Color Channels - prevents the layer color channels from being modified. Lock Transparency - prevents the layer transparency from being modified. Lock Position - prevents the layer pixels from being moved.
  4. Posting a link to a plugin zip file that is hosted on GitHub is fine, I do that for most of my plugins. What I do is create a release in the GitHub repository to host the zip file with the complied plugin, and post a direct link to that GitHub download on the forum.
  5. Release version 1.12.9, which adds support for reading files that have fewer mipmaps than the header specifies.
  6. Release version 3.4.0, which updates G'MIC to version 3.4.0.
  7. Release version 3.9.1, which updates AOM to version 3.9.1.
  8. I was able to load the file after launching Paint.NET with the /ignoreCorruptPDNChunks command-line parameter. Here is the re-saved file: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vynup28m52ekle06imqcm/ToDWorldMapPolitical2.pdn?rlkey=xtwfhkp4jn5mekk2wwksao9sr&e=1&st=9tznt5gs&dl=1
  9. The permissions on that file don't allow others to access it.
  10. The ability to configure the save UI based on the document.
  11. No, it has not yet received the features I need.
  12. Yes. It should be, but I haven't tested it yet.
  13. It is the same issue as the other filter you reported. The 32-bit version works fine.
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