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toe_head2001 last won the day on June 6

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About toe_head2001

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  1. You can disable Anti-aliasing in the toolbar. https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/LineCurveTool.html#10
  2. Yes. This forum software (Invision) only supports a WYSIWYG editor. No code editor.
  3. #121 Artist: @lynxster4 Nominated by: @Pixey Give your reps to the artist on the original post
  4. Yes, the lag on the canvas goes away, but remains in the Layers window. If I look hard enough, I can notice the vsync tearing on the canvas.
  5. No change; still seeing all the lag.
  6. I have FreeSync enabled. Disabling it made no difference.
  7. I just installed build 8985. I'm seeing the lag in the Layers windows again. Also seeing similar lag with the Shapes tool.
  8. Fake news. The download still works. Your web browser is probably blocking HTTP downloads (as opposed to HTTPS downloads).
  9. Looks good. I like the one on the bottom-left the best.
  10. Billboards are very expensive; spamming message boards is free. If you see a spam account that hasn't been dealt with, feel free to report it to a Mod/Admin.
  11. You're missing using statements on most of those disposable objects.
  12. Wouldn't the Pan tool () accomplish what you need? https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/ViewTools.html#Pan
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