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BoltBait last won the day on November 21

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About BoltBait

  • Birthday 11/03/1963

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    California, USA
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    Movies, Magic the Gathering, Computers, Music, Writing Plugins

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Community Answers

  1. CodeLab for average users - A Layman's Guide - Miscellaneous - Paint.NET Forum
  2. I blame the idiot that wrote that plugin in the first place, since that's who named it.
  3. Well, show us a screenshot of the crash message.
  4. Make sure you're running Paint.NET v5.1.1 which was just released earlier today. If that's not working for you, post the crash log and someone will take a look at it.
  5. A lot of work has been done in this area. Try using the latest Beta build and see if it fixes your problem:
  6. Can you show us a screenshot of this?
  7. That area is used for the thumbnails: As you can see, I have one blank image open. If I'd had more, they would show up to the right of it.
  8. Please show us a screenshot of the exception message.
  9. try Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  10. Open the Nvidia control panel and turn off RTX Dynamic Vibrance or Nvidia Image Sharpening.
  11. Show us a before and after image (family-friendly, of course) and we can help you further.
  12. CodeLab v6.13 Released This is only for Paint.NET 5.1+! Small update today... Changes: ▪ Update to .NET 9 @toe_head2001 ▪ About box changes @toe_head2001 ▪ Extract names out of shapes @toe_head2001 ▪ Fixes for Paint.NET v5.1 @Rick Brewster ▪ Ligature indicator added to font drop-down @toe_head2001 ▪ ColorWheel control on GPU scripts now ManagedColor type @BoltBait ▪ Some bug fixes and small enhancements @toe_head2001 Grab the CodeLab DLL here: https://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/ How to interact with the new ColorWheel control: It is slightly different based on what type of script you're writing. Here are 3 scripts (one for each type) that behave identically. They each have a drop-down box, a color wheel, and access the Primary and Secondary colors: Bitmap Image Draw Hopefully, these examples are clear enough so that you can utilize a colorwheel in your own projects. Screenshots: Ligature indicator:
  13. Have you tried a reboot?
  14. Yeah, I saw that. But... I'm not sure where to go from here. That solution has worked for just about everyone else. So... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. 1603 indicates you have an existing paint.net installation that has become broken. Please use this utility to remove the broken installation: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17588/fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed Afterwards, you should be able to install paint.net anew.
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