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BoltBait last won the day on September 25

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About BoltBait

  • Birthday 11/03/1963

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    California, USA
  • Interests
    Movies, Magic the Gathering, Computers, Music, Writing Plugins

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Community Answers

  1. Working with Objects really isn't what Paint.NET does best. Perhaps another tool would be better for what you want to do. Have you tried Inkscape or CorelDRAW?
  2. Sounds like a Winget problem, not a Paint.NET problem. I suggest checking with the Winget development team: Issues · microsoft/winget-pkgs (github.com) Hope this helps.
  3. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/121343-boltbaits-gpu-accelerated-plugin-pack-for-paintnet-v50-updated-2024-04-29/?do=findComment&comment=621180
  4. If you are trying to use the eraser and nothing is being erased, be sure you have the proper layer selected. You can only erase pixels from the currently selected layer. Perhaps the pixels you are trying to erase are actually located on a different layer.
  5. I'm wondering if the second monitor is so high resolution that you can't see a line being drawn. Then, when moving the image to the other monitor, it zooms in and the line is now visible.
  6. This is a message board for Paint.NET not imagemagick. You'll have to ask elsewhere. Closed.
  7. Glad you like it! And, if it wasn't clear, when I said... I added in the inner shadow shown in your original screenshot that you were trying to copy.
  8. Installing plugins for the store version is slightly different. Read this: Install Plugins (getpaint.net)
  9. Here is a gift, @Ego Eram Reputo Source image: Result of my code changes: NOTE: It is far from perfect... but, then... so is the rest of the plugin? EDIT: Added some more fun...
  10. There is a way around this. Remove the background on a smaller copy of the image, then scale the result up in Paint.NET and use it as an Alpha Mask on your high res image.
  11. Can you help the author out by zipping up a known good file (that works for you) and a file you've saved with Paint.NET (that doesn't work for you) so the author can see what the difference is? Thanks
  12. You'll have to contact Microsoft on that one. We have no control over anything that happens in the store.
  13. Yes, what @Rick Brewster says is true. However, putting null in the example code would be much less discoverable than showing how to create the default. I think someone following the example might see "StrokeStyleProperties.Default" and get curious to see what else could replace "Default" there.
  14. Hmmm... deviceContext.DrawImage(Environment.SourceImage); // This line renders the background to dst So, you could combine, like this: if (!Amount12) { deviceContext.DrawImage(Environment.SourceImage); } So, no need for this: if(Amount12){deviceContext.Clear();} Remember, if you don't draw the source image to the deviceContext, your image will start out transparent.
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