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Everything posted by Reptillian

  1. New filter released: Statistical Mode It just returns the most common color. Useful for extracting background in case you have 8-bit depth images which consists mostly of the same color, so you can have different objects and still return background. I might make this as a plugin as a exercise to new workflow in Paint.NET plugin development.
  2. Looks like a fun thing to try out. I won't do it in C# though. And I even have more idea than simply orthogonal directions.
  3. There's Transfer Color [Reduced Colors] in G'MIC though that needs reworking. Maybe it'll be done with my huge re-engineering process this year or next year. That has Bayer dithering.
  4. I pushed a faster version of Lavander Binary Map. Old one with using 11 (2048x2048) : 0.667 s New one with using 11 (2048x2048) : 0.057 s ~12x faster! It’s using lookup table now. That’s all the practical changes.
  5. Thanks. Also, I checked, it's here and it'll work for 3.3.5 as I developed on 3.3.5, so you can get it now.
  6. Personally, that's a great idea. I know that this is rooted in math conventions, but contextually, it's great.
  7. Long time no post here. First major re-engineering to one of my filter has been done. OOBS used to be there before, but now it has been rewritten. As it'll be for G'MIC 3.3.6, and we don't have that now, you can temporarily use it here as a debugging test - https://gist.github.com/Reptorian1125/fe5a16df550b258376c893cd0c8b039c And you can import .gmic sources via G'MIC plugin, so you can use it now before 3.3.6. Example result:
  8. Wasn't there was a locked thread where images are overlayed using image as reference because the developer is long gone, and the source file is gone as well? I feel that there may be something there that can be recreated via G'MIC scripting.

    1. Ego Eram Reputo

      Ego Eram Reputo

      Nothing comes to mind. Did you search for Image Stacking?

  9. That seems exciting. I'd be able to make a batch conversion tool via G'MIC here. Hopefully, it's not too complicated.
  10. I don't think it'll happen. You're better off supporting .ora and having .ora standards changed, so that you can use it in other programs. This also makes Paint.NET better too indirectly.
  11. On G'MIC website, it's 3.3.3, this is just to let the author of the G'MIC plugin for PDN to update it to 3.3.3. So, if you see any one other than @null54 saying G'MIC has been released, it's for letting him know.
  12. I made changes to pal command and changes to GUI filters that use it. There are new palettes, and 1 removed palettes: + Golden Wall + Piet Mondrian Palette + Lospec500 + Cretaceous-16 + Japanese Woodblock + Vanilla Milkshake - Pastel Rainbow The new palettes:
  13. I have this issue when copy and pasting from Paint.NET into Firefox. Unfortunately, I'll just shrug and say "I'll just live then.".
  14. Might be worth a try with G'MIC and the thousands of filters.
  15. I made my own palette based on the original image. Generated by generating a palette with all color, then generating a palette with reduced color, then I mapped the index of closest color and removed duplicates. This is how it is generated. I did some sorting too. ; paint.net Palette File: BluRay IG Menu Palette ; Color Format - AARRGGBB ; Colors: 93 FFB00009 FFC10006 FFD50311 FFE00313 FFDF0717 FFD90814 FFE20C1C FFFBFBFB FEA00005 FE1C0000 FE110006 FE000203 FE010200 FE3A0001 FE500003 FE74000C FE270000 FE80000A FE8A020E FEBC0517 FED90D24 FED10D1B FEA40B1A FECA1325 FEB01120 FEBF1425 FE9B121E FECE192B FE8C1120 FEBD1E2D FE0C0503 FEB74046 FEB5434E FEB64C54 FE080B07 FED7D7D7 FEE9E9E9 FEE2E2E2 FEF4F4F4 FD60040A FD0B0F12 FC73171F FC932632 FC121619 FC1A191C FCD0D0D0 FA9E343F FA222124 F9292B2F F9BEBEBE F534363A F489484E F357191E F3915E61 F275343A F2A57A7B F1643137 F17D4349 F13F3E41 EF010101 EE6A272B EE6F6A6E EE878586 EA754B50 E9674648 E94F5152 E7705557 E4625253 E1554342 E15B4F4F DF3D403F DD41220F DD444648 DC292C2B DB4B4243 DB4E4E4E D8382B29 D83A3A3A D7443D3D D6363636 D42A2A2A D12F2F2F CE252525 CE2A2A2A CA1E1E1E C81C1C1C C6181818 C61B1B1B C2151515 BC0D0D0D B6060606 B4010101 B3000000 ; End of Palette List 00808080 00808080 00808080
  16. Impressive work. However, with the image, I seem to be getting 237 colors, and with modifying XML, there's 253 colors? Seem like you coded the color filtering quite well as I think it's based on RGB rather than using all channels. Filtering based on RGB using image gets me 228 colors. Filtering based on XML using image gets me 238 colors. How are you getting 70?
  17. If the code is in rivy/OpenPDN, I can only guess that a conditional within "Apply" is all that is needed to fix median effect. I don't know, but the code itself is fairly cryptic as you said.
  18. Yes. Can be done easily with Python too. One could split 255 colors into a set of 96 colors and save them as separate file. This is the only workaround for now.
  19. This is a fun coding exercise. Here's my answer to doing this: $ 96,1,1,1,"begin(const last_index=w-1;);round(x/last_index*255);" rep_output_pdn_pal greys Which gives me a 96 color palette txt file. This is the output for the most part. ; paint.net Palette File: Grayscale 96 ; Color Format - AARRGGBB ; Colors: 96 FF000000 FF030303 FF050505 FF080808 FF0B0B0B FF0D0D0D FF101010 FF131313 FF151515 FF181818 FF1B1B1B FF1E1E1E FF202020 FF232323 FF262626 FF282828 FF2B2B2B FF2E2E2E FF303030 FF333333 FF363636 FF383838 FF3B3B3B FF3E3E3E FF404040 FF434343 FF464646 FF484848 FF4B4B4B FF4E4E4E FF515151 FF535353 FF565656 FF595959 FF5B5B5B FF5E5E5E FF616161 FF636363 FF666666 FF696969 FF6B6B6B FF6E6E6E FF717171 FF737373 FF767676 FF797979 FF7B7B7B FF7E7E7E FF818181 FF848484 FF868686 FF898989 FF8C8C8C FF8E8E8E FF919191 FF949494 FF969696 FF999999 FF9C9C9C FF9E9E9E FFA1A1A1 FFA4A4A4 FFA6A6A6 FFA9A9A9 FFACACAC FFAEAEAE FFB1B1B1 FFB4B4B4 FFB7B7B7 FFB9B9B9 FFBCBCBC FFBFBFBF FFC1C1C1 FFC4C4C4 FFC7C7C7 FFC9C9C9 FFCCCCCC FFCFCFCF FFD1D1D1 FFD4D4D4 FFD7D7D7 FFD9D9D9 FFDCDCDC FFDFDFDF FFE1E1E1 FFE4E4E4 FFE7E7E7 FFEAEAEA FFECECEC FFEFEFEF FFF2F2F2 FFF4F4F4 FFF7F7F7 FFFAFAFA FFFCFCFC FFFFFFFF For the OP, you could copy and paste this into a .txt file and place it into palette folder, and then open PDN.
  20. I have a better idea, a checkbox on the HSV value to scale each channel value into 0-255.
  21. Any one would like to play Quantum Billiard? I'm sure @Ego Eram Reputo would play some Quantum Billiard.
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