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Rick Brewster

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About Rick Brewster

  • Birthday 06/16/1981

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  1. I split this out into its own thread. It's better to make a new post than to append things to the end of an update announcement thread.
  2. I think you're talking about Edit->Paste in that case. It only fills with transparent now.
  3. Effects -> Blurs -> Median Blur This is documented in the change log for 5.1
  4. Also, you have "Controlled Folder Access" enabled in Windows Defender. This will prevent Paint.NET from saving to any folder other than some specific ones in your user directory (e.g. Documents).
  5. I even talked to an engineer at Sentinel One who gave me some details about the hang and the crash, and they were brand new issues that were particular to new changes in Paint.NET 5.1. Well, technically not brand new issues -- they had been dormant for awhile, but PDN 5.1 was the first to bump into them.
  6. Somehow you have both A-Volute/Nahimic and something called FPSMonitor, which are both injecting themselves into Paint.NET and causing trouble. Despite it supposedly doing some kind of audio processing or enhancements, A-Volute/Nahimic is essentially known to be malware. And it is VERY buggy. You should uninstall it, if you can figure out how. https://x.com/rickbrewPDN/status/1857583048147206613 I don't know about FPSMonitor, but you should try disabling that as well.
  7. I split your reply out into its own thread because it's actually a different crash
  8. 1. Make sure your GPU driver is up-to-date. The first crash log you posted here shows you're a little behind. 2. If that doesn't work, then disable MPOs:
  9. Looks like another GPU driver with buggy MPO (multiplane overlay) support. If updating your GPU driver doesn't help, see my comment for the remedy:
  10. FWIW, the crash was in SetupFrontEnd.exe with is the setup wizard. That means they've already gotten past the architecture agnostic stuff, whether because they're using the arch-specific installer, or the "anycpu" installer downloaded the right one and launched it. The chain of setup for the "Any CPU" installer goes like this: paint.net.X.Y.Z.install.anycpu.exe extracts itself (x64, technically architecture agnostic since ARM can emulate it) SetupShim.exe is launched (x64, technically architecture agnostic since ARM can emulate it) SetupDownloader.exe is launched (.NET Framework "Any CPU") which then downloads the correct architecture-specific installer paint.net.X.Y.Z.install.[x64 or arm64].exe is launched and extracts itself SetupShim.exe is launched (the new one that was just downloaded) SetupFrontEnd.exe is launched and does the actual installation, this time with everything needed to install for the system's CPU (x64 or arm64) So a crash being in one of these can sometimes give you a rough idea of how far things got.
  11. Injected DLLs are one of the top reasons for crashes and other problems. Paint.NET 5.1 has had HUGE changes in its graphics, rendering, and presentation systems. It also updated from .NET 7 to .NET 9. You cannot assume that because previous versions worked that your injecting software will not cause problems with the new version. The crash you are seeing is on a code path where this type of crash should not be possible. It is VERY likely this is caused by the programs that @Tactilis mentioned above.
  12. Disable "Nuance Naturally Speaking" and see if that helps. Programs that inject themself into Paint.NET are one of the top causes of crashes and other weird things.
  13. PDN is just showing you what Windows is telling it. The list of GPUs in Graphics->Settings is determined by IDXGIFactory.
  14. @_koh_ Sounds like Windows just changed its mind then.
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