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Whoa! Almost thought that the painting was animated:p

And I request a tut how to make a wooden floor :lol: (Pleas try tut that :shock: )

When i have the time i will.

Nice wooden floor! Might I suggest use of the point warp plugin. It is what I like to use to make knots in the wood.

Good idea, thanks



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jerkfight those red walls are right in fashion now on the home decorating front I'd leave them if I were you. one thing I noticed is you might just pop in a 45 degree miter edge on your window frames. this will give a more realistic look. and I see you redid the floor looks real good. especially the color. I'm watching for a tut on this from you as it is especially awesome.

@sabrown100 haven't seen too many of your art pieces but sure read a lot of comments and crits from you. what gives?

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Here is the original picture:


Now, after processing with my new Pastel plugin (using all defaults):


And, after processing with my new Gaussian Blur+ plugin (Radius=10, all channels, darken blending mode):


Here is processing with Gaussian Blur+ (radius=10, green channel, xor blending mode):


Go get your own copy of BoltBait's Plugin Pack. 8)

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Here is the original picture:


Now, after processing with my new Pastel plugin (using all defaults):


And, after processing with my new Gaussian Blur+ plugin (Radius=10, all channels, darken blending mode):


Here is processing with Gaussian Blur+ (radius=10, green channel, xor blending mode):


Go get your own copy of BoltBait's Plugin Pack. 8)

Going download the plugin in right away! very nice skillz!

@ tourist: What a strange table.. No legs, (how you say,..) just hanging in the air:p


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a glass butterfly, achieved by playing with glass blocks:


here's another one with some green nest at the background:


amazing, can you pm me how you did it?

thanks for the compliment. :) however i cant quite remember the exact steps i did for that. i started that a loong time ago, then i stopped and it was only now that i was able to finish it.

what i can remember though is that i drew something, then glass blocks effect, changed the color (color balance/curves), shape 3d to form a cube, then polar inversion...hmmm, thats all i can remember :?

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Nice butterfly, Aile.

This is my pool table project so far. I think I am gonna have some problems with the pockets. Maybe I will use weave. I hope I can get the angles right... eew, it looks blocky in a .gif format. Oh well, it's not finished yet. When I finish it I will save it under some other format :) .


Make a Paint Brush paintbrush.gif Make a Cue Stick poolstick.gif Make a Rope rope.gif

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Nice butterfly, Aile.

This is my pool table project so far. I think I am gonna have some problems with the pockets. Maybe I will use weave. I hope I can get the angles right... eew, it looks blocky in a .gif format. Oh well, it's not finished yet. When I finish it I will save it under some other format :) .


Looking good so far. But I think you need to work on the shape of your pockets; the top ones don't look too bad, but the centre pockets and the bottom ones are a strange shape. You'll see from the diagram below what I mean - I made a basic rectangle and 6 circles for pockets, then used Rotate Zoom to the approximate angle of your table. This simulates the pocket shapes you should be looking to replicate.


BTW - your wood texture for the surround is fantastic

Looking forward to the next update.




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Some abstracts obtained starting from the same image (mixed frames in different colors) I think some of them are nice

what I wanted to obtain in this: corniciviolette3.png

was a sort of stained glass mosaic windows like the ones you see in churchs ... any suggestion on how to reach that?








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Nice butterfly, Aile.

This is my pool table project so far. I think I am gonna have some problems with the pockets. Maybe I will use weave. I hope I can get the angles right... eew, it looks blocky in a .gif format. Oh well, it's not finished yet. When I finish it I will save it under some other format :) .


Looking good so far. But I think you need to work on the shape of your pockets; the top ones don't look too bad, but the centre pockets and the bottom ones are a strange shape. You'll see from the diagram below what I mean - I made a basic rectangle and 6 circles for pockets, then used Rotate Zoom to the approximate angle of your table. This simulates the pocket shapes you should be looking to replicate.


BTW - your wood texture for the surround is fantastic

Looking forward to the next update.


Ah hah! Thanks for the tip. I've been using shape 3-d for the whole project. Rotate-zoom makes more sense for some of it.

Make a Paint Brush paintbrush.gif Make a Cue Stick poolstick.gif Make a Rope rope.gif

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