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Plugin Index

Message added by Ego Eram Reputo

The definitive and free resource for locating plugins. Updated monthly.

Written and maintained by SodiumEnglish and Ego Eram Reputo

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A slight correction. An Archimedean spiral doesn't tighten toward the center (unlike, for instance, a logarithmic spiral). The defining characteristic of an Archimedean spiral is that the distance between consecutive loops is constant.

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Thanks MJW - next release will have that wording change.

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9 hours ago, Djisves said:

@Ego Eram Reputo,

TR's Custom Random Filler appears in the Index as TR's Custom Shape Filler .  


Yep. Right below the title in the thread is this the AKA.


On 9/11/2014 at 2:49 PM, TechnoRobbo said:

TechnoRobbo's Custom Random Filler 


(AKA Custom Shape Filler)


I think it probably got renamed sometime after it was released. For consistency, I'll flag the Index to change it in the next release.


Thanks for pointing it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Ego Eram Reputo, I wanted to point out something you may want to edit for the next Plugin Index update. Although the title of the post is Displacement and Alpha Mask, the actual name of the plugin is Alpha-Displacement. At first I could not find it since I was searching the index using the name of the plugin. Thanks for all you do in keeping this updated. It is a very valuable tool :).

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You were once wild here. Don't let them tame you.

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Good point. Thank you @Ladybug, I'll fix that next release.

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May Update


A number of new plugins this month. All are from new author @mccreery, who has also helpfully compiled the plugins into a plugin pack.


Clean Transparent mccreery Removes color variation in fully transparent pixels.


Color Ramp mccreery Maps brightness to a color gradient with up to three stops.


Erode mccreery Removes edges from objects using an erosion technique.


Isolate Channel mccreery Extracts a single color channel from a texture to grayscale or another channel.


McCreery's Plugins mccreery Plugin pack containing individual DLL files for: Clean Transparent, Color Ramp, Erode, Isolate Channel, Move Seams, Outline & Remove Transparency. Also comes with install.bat installer. Source is available on GitHub.


Move Seams mccreery Draws a tiled version of the canvas at an offset, allowing seamless texture creation and positioning.


Outline mccreery Adds precise outlines to objects using a dilation technique.


Remove Transparency mccreery Makes the canvas opaque by setting alpha to 255 for all pixels.

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Thank you @mccreery for your Plugins which I am enjoying :)


Cheers to @Ego Eram Reputo for updating us on the new versions each month 🍺




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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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I too am seeing a few forum based issues (possibly due to scheduled maintenance running in the background).


I think the style transfer issue is due to the thread being archived by the forum software as I can't post there either. I'll investigate....


EDIT: Seems to have resolved itself. Please try again.

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June Update


Two new plugin this month. I'm a day late with this update due to commitments. Sue me :mrgreen:.


Enjoy B)


Edge Shader MJW Shades the edges of objects, based on the distance from the edge.


MozJpeg FileType null54 Allows JPEG images to be saved with Mozilla's mozjpeg encoder. This can produce significantly smaller images than Paint.NET's default JPEG file type, and also allows progressive JPEG encoding to be used.

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July Update


Three new plugins for you to play with this month. Random Gradient Bars is shiny 😁


Copy Selection Bounding Box MJW Copies the bounding box of the current selection to the clipboard. The bounding box can be expanded by adding margins to each side.


Random Gradient Bars Reptillian Generates random gradient bars onto the canvas. Options to define multiple color modes, symmetry, origin, randomized inversion & differing random modes. Comes with *.bat installer. Source code available.


Split Color and Brightness MJW Allows the user to create a Color layer and a Brightness layer that produce the original image when blended using the selected blending mode.

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August Update


One new plugin this month - filled with colorful possibilities!


Rainbowify Reptillian Converts the average of RGB channel into Hue Range, and then add a gradient, and finally wrap it around to [0-1) range. Inspired by the Rainbowify effect by Jonathan Frech. G'MIC and CodeLab source provided.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Ego Eram Reputo


I updated my RAW FileType to use LibRaw instead of DCRaw.

The plugin description should be changed to replace DCRaw with LibRaw for the next version of the plugin index.


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Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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Thanks @null54. I've made that change for the next update.

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September Update


Just the one new plugin this month. Enjoy B)


Markus-Lyapunov Fractal Reptillian Generates Markus-Lyapunov Fractal - discovered by Mario Markus of the Max Planck Institute for Nutrition. Alexander Lyapunov discovered the Lyapunov exponent. Source code provided.

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@Ego Eram ReputoIn the next update, I would like to see more details on that. The simplest addition would be that it creates a mapping of Lyapunov exponents within three value (ABC) or axis.

G'MIC Filter Developer


I am away from this forum for undetermined amount of time: If you really need anything related to my PDN plugin or my G'MIC filter within G'MIC plugin, then you can contact me via Paint.NET discord, and mention me.

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I could write it - but I'd be guessing. If you can, explain it to me as if I were a wide-eyed eight-year old child. Alternatively, If you write it, I'll post it :mrgreen:

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October Update


One new plugin this month. The entertainingly named YinYang21 :)


YinYang21 Zoubi Image binarization algorithm using the Deep YinYang open java library. Useful for cleaning up scanned documents.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Feature Update


Some updates to the index search tool here before the end of the month.

  • Add new Plugin Compatibility filter
    • Defaulted to Current Version (4.x) so that Legacy (3.5.x)-only items are not shown
    • There may be minor tweaks to this in the future
  • Update JQuery to 3.6.0; Bootstrap to 4.6.0
  • Minor changes to the footer
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November Update


Three new plugins this month, one being an update of an existing plugin (Alpha Transform v1.1 is now flagged Obsolete).


Alpha Transform v1.2 ReMake This is an update of Alpha Transform plugin (v1.0 and v1.1) by DW-dev. The effect allows you to operate with the alpha value of a pixel based on an estimate of the maximum value of the R, G or B components or perceived brightness (can be used to create alpha masks). Source available. Part of ReMake's plugin pack.


Random Rectangle Division Reptillian Randomly divides the canvas into smaller rectangles, where the initial rectangle is the canvas itself.


RemoveBG Integration Effect WhelanB Enables interfacing with remove.bg (website) from within Paint.NET in order to remove backgrounds from your images. A remove.bg account and API key are required to use this plugin. Users receive 50 free previews a month on RemoveBG.



Many thanks to SodiumEnglish for his continued support developing the Plugin Index and making it the extremely useful tool we all love. 2.1 million viewers can't be wrong!



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@Ego Eram Reputo Could you put Axis Streak and Fragment Blur+ as temporarily on hold or something? They're disabled and I'm not interested into maintaing separate GmicSharpNative.

G'MIC Filter Developer


I am away from this forum for undetermined amount of time: If you really need anything related to my PDN plugin or my G'MIC filter within G'MIC plugin, then you can contact me via Paint.NET discord, and mention me.

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No problem. We have two options, flag them as Unsupported or Obsolete. Your choice really - and neither is permanent if you wish to revive them later.

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39 minutes ago, Ego Eram Reputo said:

No problem. We have two options, flag them as Unsupported or Obsolete. Your choice really - and neither is permanent if you wish to revive them later.

Neither of them describe the situation, but put obsolete as they'll be replaced with one that is compatible with current dll support.

G'MIC Filter Developer


I am away from this forum for undetermined amount of time: If you really need anything related to my PDN plugin or my G'MIC filter within G'MIC plugin, then you can contact me via Paint.NET discord, and mention me.

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How about "Incompatible"?

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