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Message added by Ego Eram Reputo

The definitive and free resource for locating plugins. Updated monthly.

Written and maintained by SodiumEnglish and Ego Eram Reputo

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November Update


Four new toys for all to enjoy this month including first time publisher AnneYusual who has joined our list of plugin authors. Welcome aboard :)


Iris Blur Rick Brewster Applies a blur (Gaussian or Bokeh) with a radius that increases as it gets further from the center of the image.


Relief Map Generator Ego Eram Reputo Create islands, continents, mountains and seas filled with interesting topography.


Scroll Generator AnneYusual Generate a variety of two-dimensional decorative flourishes using spiraling scroll patterns.


Text Fun Factory BoltBait Word Art for your images! Generate text with a huge range of options and effects (gradient fill, outline, shadowing, letter kerning, rotation, jumble the characters, etc...). Comes with *.bat installer.Requires 5.0.11+


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December Update


Five new plugins this month, including four from the prolific frio and one from first-time author PackJC :)


Color Vector Rotations frio Interpret one image's pixels as 3-dimensional vectors and another image's as quaternions (via Euler angles - each color component determines amount of rotation around each of the 3D axes), then rotate the first images pixels.


HSLuv Hue / Saturation frio  Provides access to Hue, Saturation & Lightness in HSLuv color space HSLuv (alternative to the classic HSV/HSL). Color saturation and brightness are more perceptully even in the CIELUV color space. HSLuv often preserves color details better. The plugin also implements the HPLuv and LCh(uv) color space modes: HPLuv is a more subtle and desaturated, but very perceptually even variant of HSLuv, and LCh(uv) is an intermediate between the other two and CIELUV.


OpenPAA - (.PAA & .PAC) File Type Support PackJC Load & save support for image types *.paa and *.pac as used by video games ArmA & DayZ.


Seamless Simplex Clouds frio Cloud type effect which adds the feature of seamless tiling.


Seamless Voronoi Texture frio Seamless tiling effect which uses Voronoi tessellation.

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January Update


A single new plugin this month. It's a piece of GPU magic from paint.net Dev Rick Brewster!



Median Sketch (GPU) Rick Brewster GPU-based approximation of the Median effect. Think of this algorithm as taking a Monte Carlo approach to calculating a median. To improve performance, all pixels are not rendered at full fidelity, only some are rendered and the rest are guessed/interpolated/extrapolated. Source code provided.

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  • 5 weeks later...

February Update


No new plugins this month. Check in again next month :)

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March Update


One new plugin this month:


Graph Paper BoltBait Renders school-style graph paper with or without XY axis. Can also draw points and primitive shapes based on a sequence of cartesian points. Source code provided.



There is also the inclusion of an old plugin - which had been missed: Make Color Transparent from KrisVDM's Plugin Pack. Sorry for the omission @KrisVDM

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April Update


One new plugin this month:


Warp text along a path xod Writes text along a user-specified path. The plugin uses the SkiaSharp library, so you need to put all three files from the ZIP file into the Effects folder.


*please note* this plugin is currently undergoing revision/rerwrite to make it conform to standards.


There is also the inclusion of an older plugin - which had been missed (thanks @toe_head2001) Alpha Mask (aka Apply Alpha Mask) from @BoltBait's Plugin Pack.


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I've just added the allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox attribute onto the iframe's sandbox.

In essence, any linked page would inherit the sandbox restrictions of the iframe. Not anymore.


This should fix issues where people were not able to reply to linked topics, or even download attachments.

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(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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Layman's Guide to CodeLab

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May Update


A single new plugin this month. Its an image steganography tool by new author Koimtzis. Welcome aboard!


Image Steganography Tool Koimtzis Encrypts an image inside another image in a secure way and with a small reduction in quality. Extraction of the hidden image requires use of a password.

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  • 1 month later...

June Update


No new plugins this month. Tune in again next month.....

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  • 4 weeks later...

July Update


Another month goes by with no new plugins to report. I'll try setting traps :mrgreen:

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August Update


A couple of plugins have been released this month. Yay!! B)



Invert Luminance Intrepidis Invert the colors in an image while (optionally) keeping the hues unchanged (the brightness of the red and blue channels relative to the brightness of green). The balance of green to red & blue is configurable.


Label Maker BoltBait Creates text on a solid background. Font, font size and coloration are all configurable as is the placement. Source code provided.

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September Update


One new, highly specialized, plugin this month from first-time author XLIVE99 B)


Nine Slicer XLIVE99 Compresses images to discard duplicated sections so the image can be used in sprite atlas without loss of fidelity. Compatible with the 9-sliced sprite technique as used in Unity. Source code available.


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  • 1 month later...

October Update


Aw, dang. No new plugins :HelpPlugins: this month :(

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November Update


One new plugin for all you Modders out there. frio has created a Normal Map normalizer!


Normalize Normal Map frio Normal Maps (which are usually used in 3D texturing) use vectors to define a surface height. This plugin scales each pixel to have a magnitude of 1.0 in the sense of these vectors.


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