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Helen's Graphics (UPDATE--NEW images!!')


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Beckoning Light  (or the orange glossy ball as others have referred to it)  looks real nice Helen.



Crisp with just the right amount of fade/blur. I especially like the particles or sparkles scattered in the sphere. Because there's no discernible light source I'm willing to accept the random reflections as part of the "luster" of the image.


I do feel however that they gray outline is perhaps unnecessary and detracts a tad from the otherwise realistic feel of the pic. But in any case, that's a matter of interpretation and the vision behind the product.


In short, well done indeed my dear




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@Goon: Thanks, Goon. I wasn't sure how to make the dispersed effect seem more realistic, so I tested out different methods for creating that effect. 


@Pixey: Sometimes when I create glossies, I keep in mind that not all like the warmer colors like pinks and purples, but for this one, I started with a warm color and didn't do any color changes. 


@Daniels: So glad you like that!


@johnnysdream: I'm honored that you like it. :)


@Spectre: You know when you create something and it's bugging you because that one little detail is messing things up even if not all care much about it? Well, the outline was bugging me. I am going to fix it when I get home. I appreciate your lovely comments. Thank you!


@barbie: Life's already tough, so why not create something magical with art? :) Thank you.

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
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@Spectre: I edited the file...I appreciate your lovely comments. Thank you!


Indeed you did and personally I'm glad you felt the same way about the outline as I find the revised version flawless. And you're quite welcome my dear. Commenting your art is a pleasure B)


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@Sasha: It's a treat that you visited and commented. Thank you!

@Julio: You know me, I love glossies and light. Thanks for visiting!

@Dryda: Go right ahead and taste it. It's pretty good. ;) The glowing is very easy, just a few colors mixed in and blurred (each on its own layer, though). Thank you!

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
My Gallery

PDN Fans--My DA

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Aw Helen that is just wonderful! I just love the band across it. Really adds interest & makes the eye rove around the splendid magical orb. I'm certain there is magic in that orb. Maybe it is fairies waiting to be let out? I love the way you do the colours where it kisses the imaginary horizon. Just pure eye candy again from you. Well done!

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Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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Another beautiful wonder of your talent with Glossiness B) .  The sphere is absolutely delicious and the colour just draws me into the orb and makes me want to eat candy, for some reason!

Fantastic work my dear smiley-bounce015.gif  

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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@barbie: Ah, you say the most magical things. You're so sweet. Thank you!


@Daniels: Subtle, but fun. That's what I was going for. I sometimes like to overdo things, but not for this one. Thanks, by the way. :)


@Seerose: I love creating glossies and I believe most know that on this forum. Thank you, sweetly.


@Pixey: I think I might've wanted candy the time I was creating the glossy. Thus, the result. *hugs*


@Red: It's so amazing for you to have visited my gallery. I don't know, I feel honored. :)


Thank you ALL!

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Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
My Gallery

PDN Fans--My DA

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  • 3 months later...

OH!  How beautiful this bauble is .......... glossy, shiney and just perfect :lightning: .  I had just begun to think about Christmas and now you've really gotten me in the mood smiley-greet005.gif .



How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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