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paint.net 4.0.17 is now available!

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4 hours ago, Rick Brewster said:

Added: "Fluid mouse input" option in Settings -> UI -> Troubleshooting. If you see major glitches while drawing, try disabling this.

I have to give credit for this new addition. I don't believe it was in the beta build. The bouncing jitters I experienced was annoying but I failed to realize it was paint causing it. After 1 hour of painting this bouncing is totally gone. Another job well done Rick.


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3 hours ago, Ishi said:

The portable mode is what intrigues me on this when I read about the v.4.0.17. Will wait for feedback from the others though.


The portable mode appears to work fine for me, although it took a little digging with Reflector to determine the name of the setting needed to enable it.

Interestingly Effects can also query if Paint.NET is running in portable mode through the new PaintDotNet.AppModel.IAppInfoService.InstallType property.


Plugin Pack | PSFilterPdn | Content Aware Fill | G'MICPaint Shop Pro Filetype | RAW Filetype | WebP Filetype

The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. ~BoltBait


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6 hours ago, MadJik said:

I would suggest the default canvas size could be in the Settings/Tools. 800x600-4/3 is past. Now it's time for HD, Full HD, 4K, etc.

Anyhow big thanks for your paint.net.



The canvas size scales with high-DPI as well now: 1600x1200 at 200% scaling, etc.


Note that the scaling of canvas size, brush size, etc. is with the integer of the scaling. So at 150% scaling (144 DPI) you get the same values as at 100% scaling (96 DPI).

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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Will you be providing a portable version of paint.net in a zip file already unpacked? Because...


1. Install Paint.NET on any system...


This is really dumb for people who want a portable version of paint.net.


I also suggest that in the installer when you select "Custom" install, that there be a portable option in there that sets everything up for you, ie. "<add key="PaintDotNet.EnablePortableMode" value="true" />"


On another note, I copied my installed version onto another drive and made it portable via the config file, but it seems laggy, opening/closing the program, and opening the option menu, there seems to be a small hang/delay when doing these actions. The installed version it lightning quick, no delay at all.

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Portable version is still very much in "DIY" territory for now. And, it's still in its infancy so there will probably be glitches and gotcha, and not yet something to broadly advertise and encourage. It's there if you want to try it, but it's not yet refined, in other words.


The lagginess could be due to the performance of the USB stick ... I'll keep an eye on this

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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Fair enough, I look forward to the future of this, I've always preferred my programs portable when available and I will definitely be switching to a portable paint.net version once all the bugs get ironed out.


And when I said I copied to another drive it was just me copying the folder from C:\Program Files\paint.net to another SSD location, so it wasn't a USB performance problem.


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The USB key is where the app settings are written to, and that file is updated as the program is running. So, depending on how often that file needs to be rewritten, the performance of the USB stick could affect things in the way you describe.


I don't think it's really that the USB stick is "slow" in a relative sense. Just that Paint.NET may just be reading/writing it too much.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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I joined this forum just because I read about the portable mode. I followed the instructions and paint.net version 4.17.6411.1908 seems to be portable (settings in PaintDotNet.AppSettings.json file inside program folder) but it is not stealth (it still writes to AppData- C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\paint.net folder containing two sub-folders- Optimization and SessionData)- a true portable program does not write outside its program folder. After I uninstalled paint.net I also found some remnants in Windows registry but I am not sure whether they were skipped by the uninstaller or they were re-created after I launched PaintDotNet.exe in portable mode. I second Tempreg12's suggestion for portable mode installation (or a dedicated portable version). Anyway, thanks to the developer(s) for adding portable mode!


Edited by smaragdus
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The Optimization folder may not be valid on other systems. It's used for something called Multicore JIT and does not affect the operation of the app (only the performance). https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/2012/10/18/an-easy-solution-for-improving-app-launch-performance/


The SessionData folder is expected to be pretty heavy in terms of write activity and size of data. I would not want that to be stored on a USB key, it could totally make the app run really slow and burn out your USB key.


I am concerned that "Paint.NET User Files", which is parked under the Documents folder, is not stored locally to the app. So I will need to address that in the next update.


So, the goal of my "portable mode" here was not that it wouldn't leave any files behind on the system ("stealth" as you call it). At least, it wasn't what I targeted so far.

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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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@Rick Brewster

Thanks for your response. I am dabbler in graphics but I like your program very much and I will follow the development more closely.

I forgot to mention in my previous post that in my opinion the installation was very (I am tempted to say extremely) slow (Windows 8 x64, 16 GB RAM), especially the "optimizing performance".

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How fast "optimizing performance" takes will depend almost entirely on your CPU. And, if you've very recently done a Windows or .NET update, it may take a lot longer. It's just how things work.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Appreciate the update.  I run PDN on Windows 10 laptop with AMD processor.  In the previous version, clicking on any of the menu was cumbersome for the laptop to process, and if I am reading the inital post correct, this update fixed the issue.  It's a "snap" to open the menu at a click.  Thank you, Rick.




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