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  1. null54's post in CircularText Plug In no show. was marked as the answer   
    The OptionBasedLibrary files need to be placed in the Effects folder.
  2. null54's post in auto check updates was marked as the answer   
    Yes, the portable versions do not have automatic updates.
  3. null54's post in Need help understanding texture compression was marked as the answer   
    The only difference between those two formats is the file header value used to identify it. ATI2 is one of the legacy names for BC5, which some applications require instead of the BC5U value that the BC5 (Linear, Unsigned) format uses.
  4. null54's post in Some AVIFs cannot be opened in Firefox was marked as the answer   
    I already replied in the GitHub issue linked to above, but I will post here as well.
    This issue is due to a bug in Firefox's AVIF decoder, it does not support tiled/grid images.
    The tile size warning is a red herring, libavif (which is used by Chrome) has no issue decoding tiles that are not a multiple of 64, and it also also ignores the multiple of 64 recommendation when writing grid images.
    Even grid images which use a tile size that is a multiple of 64 will fail to open in Firefox, e.g. animals_00_multilayer_grid_a1lx.avif from the official AVIF test suite.
  5. null54's post in webODM tiff saved file WSG84 - can't open was marked as the answer   
    That file (odm_orthophoto.tif) uses BigTIFF, a TIFF variant that uses 64-bit offsets in place of the 32-bit offsets in the regular TIFF format. The TIFF  format can be identified in a hex editor by the file header signature, the first 4 bytes would be:
    Regular TIFF Motorola/Big Endian - 0x4D 0x4D 0x00 0x2A Regular TIFF Intel/Little Endian - 0x49 0x49 0x2A 0x00 Big TIFF Motorola/Big Endian - 0x4D 0x4D 0x00 0x2B Big TIFF Intel/Little Endian - 0x49 0x49 0x2B 0x00  
    I have no idea why that file was written as BigTIFF, its size is well within the 4 GB limit of the regular TIFF format.
    As for why WIC does not support BigTIFF, that would be a question for Microsoft.
  6. null54's post in Hello, I'm new here :v I just want to ask how I can get Paint.NET 4.3.12 was marked as the answer   
    I'm sorry, but the forum rules prohibit providing links to older version of Paint.NET.
  7. null54's post in Spherical Panorama 360 editing feature or plugins in Paint.NET ? was marked as the answer   
    That is not something that a plugin can do. Plugins cannot alter how Paint.NET displays the canvas.
  8. null54's post in winget installer references an msi package when the actual package is an exe was marked as the answer   
    The Paint.NET package on winget is maintained by the winget community. This is a known bug in their Paint.NET package, see https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs/issues/129033.
  9. null54's post in Is there a way to group layers in PDN? was marked as the answer   
    Not currently, but layer grouping is listed in the Popular Feature Requests thread:
  10. null54's post in Modifying a .dds image, after saving it goes bad and pixelated? was marked as the answer   
    Yes it is. You have to run the texdiag command from within the same folder as the executable for the command prompt to find it, or give the command prompt the full path to the texdiag executable. Same with any files that texdiag needs to read.
    The texdiag command you use is: texdiag info file.dds
    DXT1 does not support semi-transparent pixels, which it looks like your original image has. BC2 (Linear, DXT3) and BC3 (Linear, DXT5) do support semi-transparency.
  11. null54's post in DPI Setting Changes Magically was marked as the answer   
    What format are you saving as?
    Some formats such as PNG cannot store the DPI information without loosing precision. See the following post for more information:
  12. null54's post in Update Installer-URL in Winget Package Manifest was marked as the answer   
    The winget packages are maintained independently of Paint.NET, you should file an issue in the winget-pkgs repository: https://github.com/microsoft/winget-pkgs
  13. null54's post in discord community was marked as the answer   
    The Paint.NET server invite is https://discord.gg/2bHA9HgKyY
    That link was posted by @Rick Brewster in the following thread:
    Despite the topic name there are more channels than just the plugin development one.
    Perhaps one of the mods/admins can make that invite easier to find than having it hidden away in Plugin Developer's Central.
  14. null54's post in Suggestion: Сonvert ".exe" to ".ico"/".png" was marked as the answer   
    There is a plugin to open and save Windows icon files, but you have to extract the icon from the .exe file using a separate tool.
  15. null54's post in It appears that the undo with Ctrl + Z button is broken as of the new update!😪It's not undoing was marked as the answer   
    Replace your keyboard.
  16. null54's post in Is it possible to change the transparent background grid? was marked as the answer   
    There is a brightness slider for the transparency checkerboard in the settings dialog, see https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/SettingsDialog.html#2.
  17. null54's post in Is there alternative styles for PaintBrush aside changing the Brush size ? was marked as the answer   
    There is the Dynamic Draw plugin:
    As stated in the Popular Feature Requests thread, built-in support for custom brushes is planned for a future version of Paint.NET.
  18. null54's post in In search for an forgotten old plugin was marked as the answer   
    That sounds similar to the Photoshop plugin Wire Worm, it can be run in Paint.NET using PSFilterPdn.
    Edit: Another possibility is the G'MIC Inpaint filter:
  19. null54's post in Color Palette Transparent? was marked as the answer   
    Add ff to the start of each color, e.g.:
    The Paint.NET palette colors consist of 8 hexadecimal digits in ARGB format, the first 2 characters set the transparency for the color.
    More details can be found in the comments at the top of the DefaultPdn.txt palette.
  20. null54's post in Can't download Paint.NET and delete it as it is a old file was marked as the answer   
    Sounds like you have an existing paint.net installation that has become broken. Please use this utility to remove the broken installation:
    Afterwards, you should be able to install paint.net anew.
  21. null54's post in Do you guys have the version that support Windows 7? was marked as the answer   
    You will need to upgrade your OS to Windows 10 (or 11).
    The forum rule require everyone to be using the latest version of Paint.NET. See https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/2932-read-first-the-rules-yes-you-read-this-2013-12-21/#7
  22. null54's post in Image file header issue when saving 24bit Bitmap (.BMP) files was marked as the answer   
    That sounds like a bug in that version of Linux.
    The BMP format specification allows biSizeImage to be 0 when biCompression is BI_RGB, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wingdi/ns-wingdi-bitmapinfoheader.
    Paint.NET uses the BMP read/write functionality that is built-in to Windows (Windows Imaging Component).
  23. null54's post in Installation Fail was marked as the answer   
    It sounds like you have an existing paint.net installation that has become broken. Please use this utility to remove the broken installation:
    Afterwards, you should be able to install paint.net again.
  24. null54's post in Nikon NEF filetype codec was marked as the answer   
    This is the most recent camera RAW plugin: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/31998-raw-filetype-2023-01-05/
    If that doesn't work you can search the Plugin Index for other RAW plugins.
  25. null54's post in How to zoom in/out by mouse wheel? Re-assign hotkeys possible? was marked as the answer   
    Hotkeys and keyboard shortcuts cannot be reassigned.
    The mouse wheel can be used to zoom in/out when the Ctrl key is held down, see https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/KeyboardMouseCommands.html#2.
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