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Skullbonz Art Gallery - May, 5th- Train Set and more


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Aww you forgot to flip the wall horizontally...the shading doesn't match your grease can :(


Looks much better now, though. Keep it up!

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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OMG!  I finally spotted what you were talking about pdnnoob.   ;)  How's it look now?


Oh and thank you everyone.  

Edited by skullbonz



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I should have explained myself the first time :lol:  apologies for the confusion.

Very nice work of art, if I do say so myself!

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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Nomination accepted.  "Alley behind a restaurant" promoted to the Gallery.  Nice piece :star:

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For a moment, I thought that cup at the floor looked like those from Dunkin' Donuts.

The whole composition looks very eye-catching. Especially the textures and the graffiti written on the trash can.

Congratulations! ^^

(Please, be careful. Some of the sites I'm on might not be family-friendly. 😱 )

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Wow,Thank you all very much. I am honored to have this picture in the Galleria,Thank You again.


@ Helen, It actually says Funkin Donuts, lol.   ;)



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Thank you Yellowman and NiteNurse. 


Mercy Filling Station at night is my next one.  I was mainly seeing if I could make the pump and had to add some background,lol.   ;)



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Lol,I won't ban you Welshblue, heh,heh.  The lawsuit was bothering me also and my lawyer was advising me to fix the stoop before we got sued,heh,heh. I redid it with a new stoop,more light reflections and the hose bevel. The hose started as an old cloth looking one but somehow looks like a rubber hose in the end each time. Oh well,it's still a hose, heh,heh.  I also added a spider web to add to your eeriness.    ;)



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I suspect Welsh might know that your work resembles his, so it's why it has to be perfect. ;)

It's an impressive piece! Even the cobweb is just in the right place.

This gas station reminds me of one in my town that I live in. It's hardly believable that anyone actually goes there or works there, but I've been there a few times myself and people do work there. I like the lomography effect you gave to your image. For some reason, it looks like a photograph that someone took when visiting this place. It's eerie and lonely, but someone works inside that convenience store. I just know it.

Perhaps the person working there was working there since 1910.....

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
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With the background all grungy-like, shouldn't you add some rust and dirt to the gas pump texture?

Some incredible work you're been putting out recently. Great stuff!

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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Thank you very much everyone,I really enjoy making them and still have many ideas. Thanks welshblue I used that and had a nice cloth texture even after the bevel but when I used the vignette it disappeared.  I have learned from you that details are what makes or breaks a great image and that I have to pay more attention to them. Thanks     ;)


I had this bridge one and figured I would add it in but I see my mistakes already,lol.   ;)    


Also I had to take a break from the realistic stuff and go where no man has gone into the deep reaches of space using TR's Distort This plugin and Custom Mini Brushes by Simon Brown.       :)




Edited by skullbonz



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I don't play video games, but this would be way cool seeing this scene in a game. Imagine bright-colored boxes against this dark-themed background. It's so incredible how everything fits so nicely together. 


The skyscape in the back, ah, it's so pretty. Lights are so pretty at nighttime. The moon with the clouds adds peacefulness to this image. Great job, skull. Very beautiful work from you yet once again. 

Don't spit into the well, you might drink from it later. -----Yiddish Proverb

Glossy Galaxy Ball---How to Make Foliage
My Gallery

PDN Fans--My DA

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Golly - where do I start after looking at all your newest editions wink.gif   Such eye candy.  Filling station and The Alley are seamless and so clear - excellent work and congratulations on the Galleria entries :)


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

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"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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