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I do not consider that being able to create effects or plugins is an advantage in the contest. For me, it is just another way of showing talent. I do not have a clue about writing plugins so I admire our programmers and I am very thankful when they share their creations. I also think that Paint.net is what it is now thanks to the many tools and time our talented programmers kindly share. 

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Sorry, you're correct NN. I did post my entry quite early in the comp, though. As host, Chimay has a perfect right to make comments in the entry thread; as non-host, Oceana should have replied in this thread.


I have published plugins The only non-published plugins I've used in comps are either quick one-offs that are so specific that they aren't worth publishing, or ones which I intend to publish eventually, but that aren't yet ready for prime time. I'm willing to put up with quirks and limitations in plugins that would make the plugin unsuitable for release. I use my beta Perspective Transformation plugin all the time, despite it's clunky interface, and believe me, it's elegant compared to some of my unpublished stuff. Using the plugins in a "real-life" situation often helps me know what's good and bad about them.

Chimay has only the right to post comments related to the comp here, just like any other host has done. Just like I did when I was a host.

And personally i don't know who has died and nominated you the forum leader, your a member just like all of us, your length of membership on the forum does not have any influence over others opinions (certainly not mine) and you come across here as some kind of forum bully, you should learn a little internet etiquette.





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Next time you are posting an image I would expect a step by step description how you did it.

Kindergarten. And I'm part of it ;-)

Why ? Do you need some guidance on how to do things the right way and not cheat ?

You most certainly are in kindergarten, myself I rise above you, as a microsoft developer and beta tester, not kindergarden for me midora.

paint.net is meant to be relaxing, this forum is meant to be fun, there is a new breed who think different, there is no wonder many past members no longer take part in the comps, the fun has gone from here completely. And it's high time I took myself away from here. It's such a shame this forum is now dominated by bullies and intimidating little zeros.

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You most certainly are in kindergarten, myself I rise above you, as a microsoft developer and beta tester, not kindergarden for me midora.


I'm so sorry. I had no idea that you are are a microsoft developer. That changes everything.

midoras signature.gif

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Relax people.

That's an order.

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I've removed Oceana and Midora's posts from the competition thread. That thread is for posting entries - not for discussions. Those go here.

In (hopefully) the last word on the plugin issue;

CodeLab is free and a part of paint.net's tool set. Use it or don't - it's your choice. Just like Alpha Mask or Shape3D.

There is no requirement for plugins to be published. Authors have a right to their code as much as artists have a right to that neat little technique they use to make xyz in their images.

If an entrant wants to use an unpublished plugin - but is willing to admit it, the correct response IS NOT

"You broke the rules"

The correct response is

"Wow. That's awesome! I could use that for xyz. Will it be released?"

And finally....

If you're going to argue about the rules - you're taking this far too seriously. This is supposed to be a bit of fun AMONG FRIENDS.

If these FUN competitions are going to continue to provoke sniping, outrage and toy-tossing I am seriously going to consider suspending them.

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If my opinion carries any relevance, I believe it would be better if no one departed. All members are valuable, each with their own skills and talents, and departures are far from beneficial to the forum. I frankly ignore why some members suspect the use of unpublished plugins, or why they feel it's unfair if such were the case. I think everything posted on the current siggie competition is perfectly doable and likely to be reproduced by most experienced Paint.NET artists, but I don't know, I guess there will always be some room for suspecting otherwise. However, it would be nice if no one got overly upset over these fine details; it only embitters the place and its people. After all, voters always appear to vote for what they like best and I don't think they invest a lot of their time in wondering whether this or that was done with or without the aid of unpublished tools —which anyway would be PdN tools if such were the case.


I think it would be better to concentrate on showing what one can do and on sharing how it was done should anyone ask for advice. Just my two cents on this, humbly.

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How the mistake of posting an unrelevant rhetorical question in the entries thread leads to a pit fight O.o


I still don't get what this discussion is about. It certainly isn't about the use of self-made plugins, that discussion is solved. The use of CodeLab is permitted. 


So has it become some personal fight? I think we all should be able to avoid that since kindergarten, or at least talk it out in a decent time...


I agree with EER, "If you're going to argue about the rules - you're taking this far too seriously.", in my carreer as host of this comp I have only suspended one single entry (some the entrants themselves withdrew). Do you know why that is? Because I don't care what methods you used, as long as you've used PDN (and maybe some stocks if those are alowed). I do not give a rat's arse about what plugins you used and if you wrote them yourself or not (some comps are about using a specific (kind of) plugin though...). Furthermore I always think the comp theme can be wildly interpreted. If you think it fits in the comp, it probably does in some way... 


People, please don't fight the fun out of the schoolyard. 

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Not to start anything up again but the dead horse wasn't dead yet so I'll beat it some more. 


This week's SOTW #131 rule number 5 and 6 state;    

5. You may not use any stocks outside of self-made pictures and drawings.

6. Your entry must be made using paint.net, please don't use an outside image editor and try passing it off as PDN work. 



And with Max's own admission in another thread uses sculptris to make his monsters but is allowed to win?  


Which is it going to be?



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Not to start anything up again but the dead horse wasn't dead yet so I'll beat it some more. 


This week's SOTW #131 rule number 5 and 6 state;    

5. You may not use any stocks outside of self-made pictures and drawings.

6. Your entry must be made using paint.net, please don't use an outside image editor and try passing it off as PDN work. 



And with Max's own admission in another thread uses sculptris to make his monsters but is allowed to win?  


Which is it going to be?


If you make accusations, please at least give me a link to your evidence... And rather do it in private.

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Not to start anything up again but the dead horse wasn't dead yet so I'll beat it some more. 


This week's SOTW #131 rule number 5 and 6 state;    

5. You may not use any stocks outside of self-made pictures and drawings.

6. Your entry must be made using paint.net, please don't use an outside image editor and try passing it off as PDN work. 



And with Max's own admission in another thread uses sculptris to make his monsters but is allowed to win?  


Which is it going to be?


Like I myself admit in that other thread, I use Sculptris ONLY TO MAKE BASE MODELS, which I would say qualifies as a sort of self-made drawing inasmuch as they are CAPTURES OF BASIC MODELS SCULPTED BY MYSELF, then captured as images, then PROCESSED IN PAINT.NET WITH MY OWN SELF-MADE TECHNIQUES (unless I follow a tutorial, which wasn't the case in this opportunity).


After a preliminary —and really elementary— sculpting process, all the rest of the work is completed entirely in Paint.NET. I use TR's Plasmatics and ReMake's Sponge to create skins, and then I use Red ochre's New Clipwarp to put the skins on the monsters. Other than that, I also use TR's Third Dimension and Red ochre's Furblur to create the soil, mountains, and grass for my landscapes, plus a playful combination of blend modes and the like. By the way, I've never used stock landscapes so far.


Anyone accustomed to these and other plugins should be perfectly sure that all this is possible inside Paint.NET with no further need for another software. However, if it is required, I can show in pictures how the whole process was done and then you will see that 99% percent of my works are purely Paint.NET, and the remaining 1% is also done by myself somehow (Sculptris or hand sketches, to give two examples).


I haven't used stock of any kind in no piece of mine since I joined this forum, let alone for a contest. There was a time long ago when I would resort to stocks every now and then, but at that time I was a rookie and didn't know how to cook my own food. Now I do. Evolution tastes way too yummy to be cast aside nyam.gif


Cheers! Laie_54.gif

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I suggested the self-created (no 'stock images') monsters theme for SOTW 131. I expected people to draw on paper and scan the image into Pdn - or draw with a mouse - or even manipulate (mutilate) a self taken digital photograph.
I consider using Sculptris for the initial image to be an equally valid method. The image is clearly created using Pdn and its effects so, in my opinion, is completely legitimate. ;)

I had hoped the theme would encourage creativity ... it did for the four that entered, however it is shame there weren't more entries. :(


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Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been thinking about this for a while and wondering whether the theme I chose is unappealing or people are just too busy, but I have the feeling that people don't like the theme I proposed (at least the majority of those who usually take part in sig contests).

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Looks like I won't get in an entry, and I'll explain why. I like the theme, but it's based on a fairly complicated (or perhaps "picky" is more apt) tutorial that requires a number of special plugins. By the time I finally got my diamonds looking sparkly enough, I'd run out of time to make use of them.

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I keep thinking it's my fault, as I chose the theme for this round. I guess I picked a complicated tute to follow, which in fact didn't seem complicated to me because I already had all the required plugins and after following the tute a couple times I got to a point where it seemed simple for me to follow, but I guess it's not the case for others. I guess I screwed up the competition this time and I apologize for that.

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Don't worry Maximilian!
"You can't please all the people all the time". ;)
To me there seems no rhyme or reason as to why some comps are more popular than others - could just be holiday/vacation season?

My apologies for not competing this time around.

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Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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Don't worry about it Max. It's not your subject or theme, there is a general downturn in comp entries lately.

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