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Sozo last won the day on April 17 2014

Sozo had the most liked content!

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    Ye Olde Dominion
  • Interests
    PDN, EVN, RCS, DVITFFH, other obscure acronyms.

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  1. Thanks! I was going for the "edge of a galactic cloud" look towards the bottom there, glad you like it.
  2. I's been a while, but I got bored today and made some stars. Here's a link, the image is 3200x1800 so I didn't want to link it here. Now I just have to think of some things to put in front of those stars...
  3. Heh, I see paint.net was caught in Total Wipes' crossfire.
  4. Dewd I love that Transit of Mercury, I always had trouble with suns.
  5. They aren't pdf files, in fact those plugins will work as-is if you put them in the right folder. To change the default program back, right click on any .zip file, go to 'open with' and click on windows explorer.
  6. Any chance you could host that file somewhere? I kinda want to see how my system handles it.
  7. This competition has come a long way since I hosted it last, congrats to all involved!
  8. Perhaps this plugin will do what you need: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15317-low-color-filetype-bmp-gif-png-tiff-20091204/
  9. I made the galaxy in my sig in a very similar way, even though I hadn't seen this tut yet.
  10. You could try rotate/zoom (CTRL+SHIFT+Z), might result is some distortion though.
  11. Sozo

    Making a moon

    I especially like how well your shadow works out.
  12. I seemed to encounter this too, but after it said "Paint.NET encountered an error and needs to close," it didn't close and I went right on pasting and dragging.
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