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Pen Pressure Sensitivity

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Quoting the Popular Feature Requests thread:



Tablet pressure sensitivity -- This was removed in v3.5. I'm hoping to add it back in. Update: Planned for inclusion in upcoming 4.4 release.



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  • 3 months later...

Preliminary (rough-draft / alpha) support just booted up today ... still a bunch of work to fine-tune how things work, but it's making huge progress




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On 6/16/2022 at 7:35 PM, Rick Brewster said:

It might be plug-and-play. You'll see it show up in Settings -> Diagnostics


I wish it were, but I doubt it. It's just too old, and no longer supported by Wacom.  I had a driver that worked for XP and, I believe, Windows 7, but when Windows 10 came out I couldn't find one that worked. The Wacom website was of no help (other than to generously suggest I buy a brand new Wacom tablet). However, because Paint.NET didn't support pressure-sensitivity, and I wasn't using any other applications that would benefit much, I didn't really try especially hard. It's possible there's someway to use a compatibility mode. I know little about that sort of thing, but I vaguely recall it being mentioned in a discussion of the tablet.


(I actually have four -- count 'em, four -- Wacom tablets that are likely in the same obsolete boat: a CTE 630, a CTE 630BT, an Intuos 2, and a Graphire 4.)

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This is the one I'm testing with: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06WLGJDX5/


I don't necessarily recommend it, it was just inexpensive and it does work. Plug-and-play on Windows 10 and 11, I don't think I've ever had to download and install drivers for it.


I think your laptop also supports a pen, so that's worth checking out. (judging from the Diagnostics info you posted elsewhere)


I'm also using my Surface Laptop 3 w/ the Surface Pen.

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1 hour ago, BoltBait said:

That just looks like a great excuse to buy a new tablet!


I don't think I should have to spend a bunch of money when I've already got several perfectly good 8" x 6" tablets, with modern interfaces (USB and Bluetooth).

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I seem to have gotten my Wacom CTE 630BT tablet to work under Windows 11; though I can't yet say whether all the features, including pressure sensitivity,fully function. At least it's not always in mouse mode (i.e., relative instead of absolute positioning), which is what happened last time, when I tried to install it under Windows 10.


To install it, I just downloaded the latest available driver from Wacom, which was for Windows 7.  I then right clicked on the .exe file I'd downloaded, and selected (among the "more options") "Troubleshoot Compatibility." One of the options I was offered was to use the recommended settings. When I used them, it chose Windows 7, which makes sense. I then just ran the .exe file. Though it seems odd to me that choosing how to run the installation program would determine how the driver, itself, runs, that's what Microsoft said to do, and so far it appears to work. For some reason the tablet preference menu didn't initially recognize a compatible tablet was connected, but a minute or so later it did.  I'm not sure what if anything I did to change that.

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11 hours ago, BoltBait said:

That just looks like a great excuse to buy a new tablet!


I also have an old Wacom Intuos and this may be incompatible too.  But, I never got used to it anyway. 


Perhaps a new one is just what the doctor ordered.  I'll wait until you lot try yours first though - but please be quick as Christmas is not too far off t7212.gif

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14 hours ago, MJW said:

I haven't tried it, but I came upon a site that has open-source drivers for old tablets: https://opentabletdriver.net/


I just downloaded this driver and my old Wacom CTH-661 is working now.  Took a couple of minutes.  I think I'm better with the mouse.  🤣

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