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Here's one incorporating all the tutorials I've gone through, and some variations of my own for the gold and chrome frames.

Everything is PDN accept for the car photos. They came from "serious wheels" web site I posted before.


MR52 - I like it! Very cool black steel look.

Edit: Now that I've gone back and looked at a few pages to catch up...

oma - Fantastic! I love underwater scenes and yours is a beauty.

tourist - Great looking marble, so light and clean.. Great job.

Ash - Great tip on that AA/radial blur, another one for my notebook. Thanks!

Sorry, I forget now who posted the house, but it looks good to me. Only thing I would do is lighten the tree shadow bit.

OK, back to tutorials for me, see ya.

Looks like candy! (that's a metaphoric compliment).

I like the logo work Mike.Ryan52.

Can anybody tie a fisherman's bend or a sheepshank with Paint.Net? I guess I will try :) .

Make a Paint Brush paintbrush.gif Make a Cue Stick poolstick.gif Make a Rope rope.gif

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@PrettyDarnNeat: Very good work! It's just too blurry. It's still some fantastic work though. :wink:

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Decorative knots are hard to "tie". This is called a Carrick Mat.


how did you so that. Its amazing and smooth

Thanks. I started with a length of "rope", obviously. saved a duplicate of that to make the straighter sections. rect to polar on one layer. rotate/zoom layer keeping background and enlarged a bit to get double "rope". Duplicated that 4 times. flippity wippity, stretchity, patchity, merge, erase, double, etc.

I am telling you that it is a painstaking process, but a grid helped to keep the rope lined up. I used the techniques in cjmcguinness' tutorial "make a chain" to "tie" it. I know it is not perfect.

Make a Paint Brush paintbrush.gif Make a Cue Stick poolstick.gif Make a Rope rope.gif

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Wow Lego thats gorgeous.

Haven't posted anything here for a while, but here's my new wallpaper. Hope it's not too big.


Edit// Thanks Ash!

Edit by Ash: Now it's not too big. Clickable thumbnail is your friend.

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Hello, I am a complete P.Net noob (or any image editing software for that matter) so please be kind. I found P.Net a couple of days ago and made a couple of pictures. For what it's worth, here they are.

Made an eyeball.


Made a background for my Smartphone. (Motorola Q)


Tried to make a space picture.


Comments welcome


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Thanks for the comments on my room picture.

DarkShock91, Sabrown100 - I agree totally. I tried it without the PDN background but the text has bits of white that make it look funny without. I need to go in and clean up the logo. And, yes it is too fuzzy. I don't know which step caused that. It was crystal clear up to a point in the process, then of course I did something, probably resized. I'm gonna re-do it. Can't be posting fuzzy, slip-shod work in this room of pros. (that's a compliment, not sarcasm BTW).

Well, back to work...

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@tourist---awesome knot! :) The thing I notice is that it's a recursive "knot". (It's like the new infinity symbol :P ) It would be interesting trying to make this knot in real life :)

In other news, just playing with Mandelbrot fractal, and made an interesting effect, but couldn't decide what to do with it (still in "mind block" mode :| ). So I decided to put in a rocket for effect :)


Open to all comments :D

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Decorative knots are hard to "tie". This is called a Carrick Mat.


how did you so that. Its amazing and smooth

I used the techniques in cjmcguinness' tutorial "make a chain" to "tie" it

Cool, it's good to know that some of my older tut's are still being looked at, and techniques are being adapted for new uses. Excellent work; raising at a slight angle and putting the shadow behind gives real depth.




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