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pyrochild last won the day on December 5 2017

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About pyrochild

  • Birthday October 11

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    Hating socks

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  1. I have spent lots of time trying to figure out how to add my dlls back into PDN. 


    I did purchase Pyrochild's dlls that are excellent! 


    I have probably 80+ more of them that I do use. HELP! 

  2. Sorry, I can't provide support for issues running my plugins on MacOS
  3. New version of Color Match is available in my pack which should fix the crash when the source image is smaller than the thumbnail
  4. Updated to fix a crash in Color Match if the source image is smaller than the thumbnail
  5. Updated to work with Paint.NET 4.2 Thanks to @toe_head2001 for the fixes!
  6. How is this the first I'm hearing of this? Now that I've just started a new job where I have get to use a mac...
  7. Hello! This tutorial was locked, cause there weren't any pictures. But he added them. Please unlock this post i really want to comment on it. Ty


    1. toe_head2001


      I did no such thing.

    2. Foxxey


      oh yeah sry

    3. Foxxey


      can you please unlock this topic?

  8. Hey Pyro, gotta say I love all the plugins you've made, they're really helpful!
    Can I bring up something from the dead and ask for a quick tweak to be made to the Outline plugin from 2007?
    Right under the "Angled" checkbox, can there be another one (that disables itself if you click angled)
    called "No Diagonals", where it only outlines up down left and right, and not the corners?
    I use this plugin to help me outline certain sections of pixel art and I have to erase the diagonals manually after doing it with this method.
    Can't have those ugly stairs, after all!
    To sweeten the deal, I'll have you know I'm not currently wearing socks ;)
    I'd do it myself, but I have no idea what the coding language is, and don't have the original source code either.

  9. Hi brother your the first one I was able to download and I even paid someone else. You Offer allot thank you & God Bless You , Joe

  10. I don't have Photoshop. Could you attach: A .msh exported from Photoshop Dimensions of the image it was created for Before and after image of the mesh's distortion Then I can take a look... no promises
  11. Click the color wheel on the left side of the window to open the background and color settings, then check [x] From Clipboard
  12. Splatter and the other canvas plugins have a zoom setting at the top of the window, and respond to ctrl+scroll and pinch zoom as well.
  13. Hello! I tried installing your plugin but it gives an error message "I can't find your pallette"


    I have Paint.net version 4.0.21 from the Windows store.





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