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Max Power

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About Max Power

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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    Golf, Squash, Graphics and Design.

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  1. where's the poll >_> voluntarily is a word you can chase me with:)
  2. I actually don't know if there's a video file available, but if you press "F1" there is a helpfile, which teaches you the basics of the program. I don't think that the used english is that hard to understand, but if there are still some questions, you can send me a personal message in German.
  3. Do you mean the Hex code? Which starts with a hash #? Press F8 (The colour window will pop-up) --> "More >>" --> Hex: #XXXXXX or do you mean the R G and B values? If so, do the same
  4. Link Beer More Beer Sixtin Chapel a 10 minute job... this time I probably won't vote for my self
  5. Trace around your teeth with the lasso, copy and paste them on a new layer, set it to screen and lower the opacity to 50-60%....
  6. First of all... play me! >_> Secondly thanks to all of my voters. This time I'll choose a much easier theme, so there will be more competitors next week. Hopefully.
  7. So, who will create next weeks theme? The winner? the secound placed? Aoenix? Google?
  8. The Jitter plugin could help, too. viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5435&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&hilit=jitter
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