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Image Umbrella: Realistic Images


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Awesome detail, Goonfella. Looks similar to one of my dad's old watches.

...So, what's with the compass display? I'm pretty sure North isn't always going to be the direction you're pointing the watch.

Maybe not, but take a look at a few pictures of real ones and you`ll see a lot of them have NSEW on the dial.That`s why I included it with mine. :wink:

yy10 - no faults? That`s what I like to hear! :lol:



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Very nice Goonfella! Excellent use of curves luminosity adjustments.

I would work on sharpening up the edges a bit, but the concept you've got is fantastic! Very nice!

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

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Awesome detail, Goonfella. Looks similar to one of my dad's old watches.

...So, what's with the compass display? I'm pretty sure North isn't always going to be the direction you're pointing the watch.

They are there for a reason, because you point the hour hand toward the sun and boom you have your directions :D. This article explains it a bit using your watch as a compass


"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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They are there for a reason, because you point the hour hand toward the sun and boom you have your directions :D. This article explains it a bit using your watch as a compass

That's pretty awesome, and come to think of it, I remember a friend once tried to show me that.

In that case, make that no faults x2, Goonfella. :wink:



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I have been working on my lens flare technique for a considerable amount of time now, and this is my end result


I hope you all like it, because it took a long time, and please give me feedback so that i can improve it.


100% Paint.net

"I'm the evil fairy witch. Since I'm so evil, I'm locking this pointless thread" -Pyrochild

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