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Image Umbrella: Realistic Images


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Wait, the 2nd link points to some web server or something?? :?:
for the wodd texture, i used this tut and this tut(yes it's gimp)

ButI do think the stuff Nemo does it real. I mean, who would be stupid enough to claim that they did stuff which they didnt? :?

must have put wrong link. but nevermind. it's not important

@Rhoward: it's not nemo's fault that is work is too realistic.


sigs n stuff

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i finally managed to get my head around creating leaves and decided to add them to my rose, just for Welsh :wink:. Hope you all like! [gradual updates of the rose and other pieces are in my gallery]


That IS a photo. Of the flower, I am sure. The leaves might be as well.

Uhm you guys can have whatever opinion you want but if you read the description and actually looked at my work it was mcuh smaller but enlarged for Oma..Plus the fact a few people on these forums have had the PDN of the rose..but oh well believe what yo will, ill certainly take it as a compliment :shock:

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i think apologies are in order as well. but on a side note here is a glass orb i have been working on :D


edit for a more refined image of the orb



"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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i think apologies are in order as well. but on a side note here is a glass orb i have been working on :D

edit for a more refined image of the orb

One comment on your orb. The part of the shadow that is within the orb is too dark and should be more transparent. Other than that, very nice ! Very pretty color too.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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i think that you should take it to private messages crimson. Your just being distasteful and plus oma has a pdn of his wip for that project.


"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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flip that wood isn't too bad just the color might be what is throwing you off. i always think of fresh cut wood as a bit more yellowish green. remember it is a growing green plant. Welsh is really good with wood textures have you approached him for some tips?

well I finally finished my horse and added it to a background. full size on pg 61 of my gallery work in progress shots pg 56 of my gallery


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