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lynxster creations ~ NEW - More Stained Glass ~ 8/31/24 🍷


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Thank you, dear @Seerose    <3  to you, too!   


Thank you @Drydareelin for stopping by!  I'm glad you find the colors pleasing.   :)


Thank you, @Rickhum for the rep!  :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you @welshblue and @Woodsy   Had lots of fun making these!  Everything is original.  :D 

Sadly, I agree welshy.  I'd give up my 'merry' Christmas in a heartbeat if we could have peace.


Thank you and Merry Christmas to you! @dipstick    :D

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Oh Boy - they are both gorgeous @lynxster4 <3 but I absolutely love the text in the first one.  Did you make it to look 3D?  It's fabulous - really :D.


Hope you and your family have a wonderful Holiday Season sledding-smiley-emoticon.gif

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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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Thank you @Pixey.  So pleased you like them.  :D   Yes, I wanted the text to 'pop' a little!


Thank you @LionsDragon!  Take them both!   :lol:


Thank you @Eli, @ReMake and @toe_head2001!   :)

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Thank you @dipstick for the beautiful compliment!   :D


Merry Christmas to you and yours!   :cookie-chocolate:  :cookie:  :cake:


Thank you @BlastWave for the rep!  Merry Christmas!  :D


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm posting this in tribute to my father who passed away one year ago today.

And tragically, I also lost my younger sister just a few days ago, on New Year's Eve day!  It was so unexpected, I still can't believe it.


I hope she has found her way to our father and mother (my mother passed years ago) and they were waiting for her with open arms...


Love you Mom and Dad               Love you Dee          (tears falling)




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I'm so sorry for the loss of your sister.  What a shock for you and your family.  The tribute for your Dad is lovely.  Hang-in there my dear ;)

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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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Thank you @Pixey,  @barbieq25, @LionsDragon, and @Seerose for your kind and heartfelt words.  <3 <3 <3 <3


What an absolutely rotten 2017!  I also lost my ex-husband in 2017, and that makes me feel 'creepy' about that saying about things happening in 'threes'.


Moving forward.....2018 can only be BETTER!!!    Love, kisses, and thanks to all!   You are wonderful!

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Thank you @Seerose for your additional sympathies.  <3


Thank you @welshblue for your condolences as well.  <3


Just recovering from that dreaded H3N2 flu bug!  Down and out for days.  Worst bout of flu I've ever had.


If you see someone who's sick....run....run away fast!  You do not want this flu.  Now I understand why people, even healthy people, are dying from this.

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You sure know how to make a gal laugh...:lol:    (Hope your wife and son are laughing...)

Wishing you a speedy recovery @welshblue   <<hot toddie>>

Yes, my eyes hurt, too.  Felt like something was trying to scratch them out...

I'm over the worst, just have a lingering cough they say can last for up to 3 weeks (oh joy!)  :roll:

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Glad you're starting to feel better @LionsDragon    Wow...a car accident and sick!  That's a lot on your plate.

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