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lynxster creations ~ NEW - More Stained Glass ~ 9/19/24 🍷


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Luv your latest flowers Lynxster . I've just had a wander  through your page to catch up.

Beautiful work. Vibrant yet tidy with everything in the right place like a well loved home.    

The wrought iron and the background texture of the pearly piece are impressive and the pink flower

texture looks like crepe myrtle or paper, lovely effect. The Halloween animation is such fun,

especially the tones of the trees in it, full of atmosphere/ambience.

Anyways Lynxster, tuvm for your support and benchmarks and I look

forward to stealing your techniques in the near future :-)




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“Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you'll be able to see further.”

― Thomas Carlyle

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8 hours ago, Rickhum said:

Vibrant yet tidy with everything in the right place like a well loved home. 


How spot-on you are!  I didn't realize my neatness OCD showed in my artwork!  😮

Thank you so much Rickhum for the very kind words and reps on various pieces.  <3

Steal away...:lol:


7 hours ago, barbieq25 said:

Oh how cute! Love it!


Thank you BBQ for the nice comment and rep! It is always appreciated!  <3 :D


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A companion piece to 'Flower". 


On 7/14/2019 at 2:50 PM, TrevorOutlaw said:

I can hear Thumper laughing hysterically at me.


And I was laughing because I had already started 'Thumper'.  Here's a companion piece to 'Flower'. 


I thought I'd try some different techniques here, so this piece has a bit of a different look and feel.






I hope you enjoy him!  :)



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Thank you @Seerose <3  I like to surprise!  :lol:


Thanks you much @ReMake for the rep!  <3


17 minutes ago, Woodsy said:

So when do you start on all the Disney princesses?


Whadda ya mean?  😯    I did two princesses already...Tiana and Ariel.  They're in my Gallery somewhere.... 🤣


Yes, I'm liking my new technique, also.  Has a more dreamyyy quality to it, don't ya think?  Thanks, @Woodsy  <3





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On 7/29/2019 at 7:10 AM, lynxster4 said:

And I was laughing because I had already started 'Thumper'.  Here's a companion piece to 'Flower'. 


Thumper to Bambi: "Do not bite into this clover.  It is pysch..."

Mother: "Thumper!"

Thumper, looking at Mother apprehensively: "Yes, Mama?"

Mother: "What did your father tell you this morning?"

Thumper, looking at the ground and kicking the sod: "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."

To Bambi and whispering: "The clover is psychedelic. Why do you think I have so many brothers and sisters?"



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22 hours ago, JulioCoolio said:

Flower and Thumper are amazing!

Thank you so much JulioCoolio!  Disney characters, especially the people ones, really take a long time to do.

Patience is definitely required....Thumper himself has almost 40 layers!  :D


16 hours ago, welshblue said:

The background explains why he's got big pupils 😉

 Thanks, welshy!  I thought I'd go a little 'surreal' this time. The little guy is always so happy, I thought I'd help him along....😜


16 hours ago, Pixey said:

he looks so cuddly and soft

He is!  Come hug my monitor...Thanks, Pixey.  I always love to read your thoughts and comments!  <3


Thanks @TrevorOutlaw!  <3  Comments like yours keep me going.  :lol:   I'm wondering if I shouldn't just go on a Disney spree...😈




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  • 3 weeks later...

@Roger the Dodger  Thank you so much for your kind words!  Ready to move on...I hear parts of Europe are just sweltering. Take care! :)


Thank you, dear @Seerose <3  You're always there...that's what friends do...😉


@welshblue...thank you!  Yes, blame it all on Brexit...good a scapegoat as any! :lol:


Thank you, @Pixey <3  I'm so glad you like it!  :)


@barbieq25 <3  thank you for the beautiful compliment! :)


And many thanks to @Eli, @zaya, @Woodsy and @ReMake for rep points! <3  And, of course, you lovely people mentioned above!  😀


Thank you @LionsDragon <3 for the rep point!  :D



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added extra thanks
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  • 1 month later...

I wanted to use this in the SOTW comp (ReMake's Emboss+), but I just couldn't get it to look right at 500x200, so I'm posting here.

It has a nice, 'glassy' look to it.


Ode to Autumn




Hope you enjoy it!  😁


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