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@Roll nice you might like to clean the edges a bit. but love the color and subtle patterns, they are certainly nice and pleasing to the eye.

:?: i know the mods will probably scalp me for this but any idea when the picture hospital will be open?

this is what I'm working on and I'm stuck for ideas


Maybe you can add some seaweed and little fishes :)


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Im working on a background for my new pc. I like where this one is going, but im not sure where to take it now. any suggestions on how to expand on what i have?


its a big image so i just added the url

Well, what is the main thing you like about it? And what do you not like so much?

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Let me join the party, these 3 orbs were not made with shape3d :)

You used Inside Out...I can tell by the funny points in the center of each orb thing :D

I'm obsessed with that one... :twisted: <-- me - - - - Inside Out Plugin --> :?


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Bye Paint.NET!

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@k.digennaro - I think it also depends where you think you want to take this picture - I mean - do you want it to be a kind of abstract with brushwork? or do you want it to be all gradient based metal? Anyways - you're already off to a good start - it's going to be sweet when finished.

@Ash - awesome orbs - those reflections are a m a z i n g !

Here's a pic I've been working on - I tried to base it off of some of my fave tuts without actually using any of them (I'm trying to figure stuff out on my own). I know it'd look better at a smaller res (kinda choppy on the text) but I left it full size so you could see the imperfections more easily. Feel free to comment.


"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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@k.digennaro - I think it also depends where you think you want to take this picture - I mean - do you want it to be a kind of abstract with brushwork? or do you want it to be all gradient based metal? Anyways - you're already off to a good start - it's going to be sweet when finished.

@Ash - awesome orbs - those reflections are a m a z i n g !

Here's a pic I've been working on - I tried to base it off of some of my fave tuts without actually using any of them (I'm trying to figure stuff out on my own). I know it'd look better at a smaller res (kinda choppy on the text) but I left it full size so you could see the imperfections more easily. Feel free to comment.


Nice wallpaper :)

Maybe you can add a shadow if you could...


My own DeviantART gallery



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@k.digennaro - I think it also depends where you think you want to take this picture - I mean - do you want it to be a kind of abstract with brushwork? or do you want it to be all gradient based metal? Anyways - you're already off to a good start - it's going to be sweet when finished.


Im trying to make it a brushed metal abstract kinda look. I like just kinda free flowing drawings and not really having a plan for them, then sit back and watch it come together :P


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Behind the text you mean?

Yeah - I was thinking about that too, but it's hard to do a shadow AND have a reflection at the same time. I'll give it a try- thanks for the comment.

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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I played around with Shape3D and what I have now is an easy way to make realistic sunglasses:

Very nice and interesting!

@ Ash...I would have never thought of a thumbtack. Will you be pinning it to a corkboard?

Make a Paint Brush paintbrush.gif Make a Cue Stick poolstick.gif Make a Rope rope.gif

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well i hit kind of an artistic block with this drawing, im starting to get moving again. Im working on coloring the gear in the bottom right corner. I really didnt have a method of going at this, i just kinda started to color :P, what do you guys think? i dont want to finish the piece and for it turn out garbage.


edit: hmmm, that kinda stinks, a lot of the texture disappeared when i turned it into a jpg, o well.


Support Our Troops, End The War

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I like how it's coming along - great job!

Alright - here's a different version of the background I posted a little while back - which do you like better?



New Version:


"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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Darn, just 8 hrs and so many new posts.

Ok, Here goes, I hope I don't forget anyone :P

1st, thanks to all who commented on my stuff :D

@Ash--- :shock: I wasn't thinking of a thumbtack XD Amazing....just don't try to stick it into my thumb

I'm trying to think of some inspiration so I can try to make something new. I've got a mind block right now, and I can tell because now I'm digressing back into my ugly abstract mode----I'll think of something soon. I hope :|


I can always stick it into your thumb for you to get some inspiration :D :shock:

this is what I'm working on and I'm stuck for ideas


Pretty cool, maybe "pull" the body longer and "push" the tail thinner. and add some fins?

I played around with Shape3D and what I have now is an easy way to make realistic sunglasses:

Pretty cool sun glasses.

@k.digennaro: Forgot about the Brushed metal texture you were asking about, I will look into it.

Let me join the party, these 3 orbs were not made with shape3d :)

You used Inside Out...I can tell by the funny points in the center of each orb thing :D

I'm obsessed with that one... :twisted: <-- me - - - - Inside Out Plugin --> :?

Ding ding ding, correct :) Edit: Wait...That was done before we had the Inside out plugin.


@ Ash...I would have never thought of a thumbtack. Will you be pinning it to a corkboard?

:D Yes, I will make something outta it. stay tuned.

@007 Nab:Looks good but Text needs AA.


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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Max Power where can I get a pair, nice

k.digennaro keep working on it, it has such promise

007 Nab the second one but is there something attached to that image? When I clicked on it another site opened up too, it had TV clips.

oma I like but when I frist looked at it I thought it had 2 heads can not wait to see were you take it

What can I say Ash, You da man. You have always inspired me to do better.

Somthing I have been working on



"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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Janetsue has got some nice work. Here is my marble rendering...I forgot to use antiailising.


Fix round shape AA problems by selecting the Rim of the object.

Center the object 1st

Use :EllipseSelectTool: to make a round selection just a bit smaller than the object. Then Ctrl + I (Invert selection)

Then a touch of radial blur.



All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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Alright - thanks for the comments everyone

@ Ash -- AA is really hard for that text... I think I'll just do it again using alphamask plugin instead of magic wand to help.

@ janettsue -- great job! that pic is really coming along -- good job on the textures

@ tourist -- sweet job on the marble - and yeah, besides the AA problems it's really good


"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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