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:D First Pic is just another go at the popping out of the Picture Tut, I was pleased with the result!

2nd took me forever *lol*but I enjoyed making it it's 100% PDN about 50 million layers and blurs and loads of other effects, quite a few tuts in there as well~ Thanks to all you guys without the Tuts I would still be doing stick men :) Comments Welcome.


This one I'm proud of 8) Special thanks to Ash seeing your stuff gave me inspiration!!


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v An excellent open–source strategy game—highly recommended.


"I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?"

"For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment..."

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Here's two things I made:


This is where I tried to emulate those similar looking T-Shirts, with some success.


Imageshack was being mean to me here; It kept resizing my picture. The real effect is only viewable at higher resolutions, but you can kinda see it here.

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This one I'm proud of 8) Special thanks to Ash seeing your stuff gave me inspiration!!


Now that's something you don't see everyday! :) Very cool!

Some parts a bit rough, You should keep working on it if you are not tired of it and if you still have the PDN file. :D


I like the texture, it will come in handy. The peal off paint part with the Diag-lines.


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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