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I believe that sig a orignated on the plains of fail at failgrounds bbs.

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I just made this at about three in the morning off of an image i got of google when I was looking up art from dantes inferno


I was okay with the results but I think it could have been a more polished.

This next one was a color job i did off a pencil sketch i did at work.


Here is the pencil sketch i used


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A Trivium Logo with the cover of Ascendancy in it. I have one thats a lot biiger but i assumed that 2000 pixels wide would earn me a healthy ban or at least a telling off....

That is one awesome effect. Any chance we could get a tut for it?

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I call this Yin Yang version 2007

like it ! I must be progressing as I can visualize how you made that one

grid? and transparent colours?

shape 3 d moved second slider down to get egg shape.

just haven't figured out how where you placed lines to get them lining us so well.

and I keep getting a line down the middle of mine.

well have to go out today

will work on this tonight.


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^Feather plugin. It's explained a little bit in the post. It basically softens the edges of pixelated or aliased things by either adding transparent pixels around it, or making existing pixels slightly transparent.

Basically, it makes things look smoother. :D

v An excellent open–source strategy game—highly recommended.


"I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?"

"For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment..."

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made with shape 3d and the recently deleted tut on how to make sq glass buttons by drakaan


What you describe is simply one stenographic algorithm. I'm sure BoltBait or one of the other CodeLab gurus would be able to quickly implement this.~Rick Brewster

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@Ash: Your pictures constantly amaze me. If I can ever get even halfway to where you are artistically in PDN, I'll be very happy. :D

Thank you :D

I call this Yin Yang version 2007

like it ! I must be progressing as I can visualize how you made that one

grid? and transparent colours?

shape 3 d moved second slider down to get egg shape.

just haven't figured out how where you placed lines to get them lining us so well.

and I keep getting a line down the middle of mine.

Thank you :)

1.I did use Grid but not like what you are thinking..I think.(check seashell tut)

2.Transparent color: Yes.

3.Shape3d: Both 2nd and 3rd slider down.

4.To get the it all lined up you will need to check out my seashell tut (if you haven't already)

5.Yes, I think you are progressing quite a lot :)

Keep up to good work. 8)

A list of all my tuts can be found under my sig :)


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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