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i did use aa on this thats the funny thing about it but for the jaggys on the metal i like it that way means keep your hands away from sharp edges lol as soon as i figure on copy each level to my chrome i will sometimes i get it too work right sometimes i don't it's a freak of nature.

:lol: funny


very good think you wanted a cd check this tut out '



I didnt even look for that :shock: it would have made this a bit easier. That and CMJC does great work.(< ponders wading through all the "tuts" to get to it,,,,,) sigh.

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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That's really phenomenal, Verndewd. A tutorial would not be looked down upon. :-)

I second that.

i would love a tut also :D


My deviantART iGraphix

~96% of teens won't stand up for God. Put this on your page if you're one of the 4% who will.

skilletism (n.) - The abnormal liking of the band "Skillet". (see PANHEAD)

panhead n. - an individual who shows extreme enthusiasm for the band Skillet. Generally driving for hours to concerts with frying pans riding shotgun.

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well, i have posted in a while cuz i havent had the time but beecause im here at my dad's tatto shop, i made this in about 5 minutes, so dont tell me about jaggys or nything. it was a quick doodad. i figured to post it so thevoid wouldnt forget about me :D



the lambda symbol is the scientific symbol of all things decaying over a rapid period of time. Or in a different subject, the photographers term of an object moveing so fast it blurs the picture puposefully.

my deviant art/

my OLD sig tutorial

my myspace... it has more photos then DA

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hey, i was wondering something. i have techniques that differ slighty from youres, but whats your techniq from gonig to a darker shade to a lighter shade like the bloo on your orb? (bloo=bkue, i just like spelling it differrently)


the lambda symbol is the scientific symbol of all things decaying over a rapid period of time. Or in a different subject, the photographers term of an object moveing so fast it blurs the picture puposefully.

my deviant art/

my OLD sig tutorial

my myspace... it has more photos then DA

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heres simplisty and techno at its most beaustiful and maximum.



the lambda symbol is the scientific symbol of all things decaying over a rapid period of time. Or in a different subject, the photographers term of an object moveing so fast it blurs the picture puposefully.

my deviant art/

my OLD sig tutorial

my myspace... it has more photos then DA

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:shock: amazing, i will look at the video in a minute :shock: :jealousy:


My deviantART iGraphix

~96% of teens won't stand up for God. Put this on your page if you're one of the 4% who will.

skilletism (n.) - The abnormal liking of the band "Skillet". (see PANHEAD)

panhead n. - an individual who shows extreme enthusiasm for the band Skillet. Generally driving for hours to concerts with frying pans riding shotgun.

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I really like that first one, salu. The way it appears to wrap around itself is really impressive.

Ash, that's nothing short of amazing, as always. :D

Now to sit patiently and wait for Ash to read his dA messages. [twiddles thumbs]

janettsue's Christmas baubles look really, well, real. :D

And I'm totally jealous of verndewd's CDs. (The first of which reminds me of the blue-backed PS2 games)

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Thanks for the kind words.

zookey my raindeer was a cutout I have had in my craft box for years. I scaned it in.

olav.k.m the tree is one of Madjik's super plugins that I love.

verndewd I remember telling you once that your stuff had a chaotic beauty to it. Well there is nothing chaotic about it anymore. I always look to see what you are up to now.

Ash the glass effect is great but I flipped over the little video screen that popped up on my screen. Way cool that is what I would like to know how to do and I know what you are thinking, "I could do better on my globe" Okay I'll work on it.

Smiles salu I like



"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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Thanks for the kind words.

zookey my raindeer was a cutout I have had in my craft box for years. I scaned it in.

olav.k.m the tree is one of Madjik's super plugins that I love.

verndewd I remember telling you once that your stuff had a chaotic beauty to it. Well there is nothing chaotic about it anymore. I always look to see what you are up to now.

Ash the glass effect is great but I flipped over the little video screen that popped up on my screen. Way cool that is what I would like to know how to do and I know what you are thinking, "I could do better on my globe" Okay I'll work on it.

Smiles salu I like


"I could do better on my globe" : Don't put thoughts into my head :D:P

I like what you've been doing lately :)

Your style have matured a lot lately, just because I didn't say, doesn't mean I didn't notice.

Just a bit busy, trying to be mod and have many unfinished art and real life work...being ill. :? :lol:

Keep it up :)


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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Merry Christmas! (Click for dA page)

Image pieces created with Chaoscope; rearranged and recolored in Paint.NET.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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