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looks sort of like brass chains on a winch to me. :twisted:


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...


I've been working on this texture. It's supposed to look like a pool, but I'm not sure how to make it look more like a pool, as it doesn't look very pool-like to me. :?



Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...


For starters, you've got the highlights, but where are the shadows? :?: :idea:

That might help a bit. Although, personally, I have no idea how one would go about approaching that ... :|

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
I've been working on this texture. It's supposed to look like a pool, but I'm not sure how to make it look more like a pool, as it doesn't look very pool-like to me. :?


What you have now is very nice. As Expiration stated you do need shadows and the hightlights are to bright. Experiment with the blurs to see what looks good.


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added shadows, working on highlights. is this better?


I think it looks more watery already, thanks! :D


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...


I was just fooling around, trying to convert Thistutorial into a Paint.NET one. So I ran clouds, did Polar Transormation at default settings, and ended up with something resembling a waterfall. Then I ran a fragment blur, with the blend mode on Darken. It ended up making the sun reflection things, so I thought I'd post the image here.



the part near the top looks almost exactly like the highlights I was aiming for. :shock:


This is how it looks after making the highlights not so visible.


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...



I was just simply experimenting with new vector brushes.

But I like it enough that I want to work with it.

I was told that it's overly contrasted and has too little colors...

What shall I do?

(I also don't like the text font and placement, but is it fine?)


|The Pictorium.|

I have been having an artist's block lately! Please PM me ideas for me to try out!


ok first ill address the sig above me..Very good job PoisedMaverick, i realy like the background. The text however should be a little more noticeable and as for the...thing in the middle the red eyes should be changed (imo) or if you dont change that, put some more yellow in to make the bit thats there less...isolated?..i dunno if any of that helped cuz im still slightly noobish. anyway to zizoz now i think the water looks great but imo you took a little to much away from the highlights, i looked back at your earlyer one and i almost like it more somehow, anyways i decided to spend a couple mins trying to make water in pool, turned out better then i thought it would but it still is slightly pathetic (expesialy the grass), i was to lazy to go find that awsome grass turotial. pool.png Anyway what i was realy here for is my sig i cant seem to think of anything to improve the text soooo mabye some ideas would be nice.


My subconscious is consciously aware that I am subconsciously unconscious.


@ Kaiden: I would suggest adding a side to the pool to make it look more like the water is in a hole, and perhaps an exit ladder and a diving board


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

@ Kaiden: I would suggest adding a side to the pool to make it look more like the water is in a hole, and perhaps an exit ladder and a diving board
Thanks, i think i will try and add to it. Mabye even try and make a bottom to the pool.


My subconscious is consciously aware that I am subconsciously unconscious.


If your pool border is on it's own layer, as a border (it isn't filled in where the water is), then you can duplicate, motion blur the layer underneath, and it'll give you much more depth to the pool -- the blur layer should be duplicated and merged repeatedly, so that the lines aren't too solid, but good enough to see that it's there.

I dunno if I made sense, I can show you an example if you send me the PDN.

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

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