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mhh i think my grass looks more realistic like yours tillerman and the stem is out of the tut from Ash, so it's realistic :P

i have overworked(?) the handle of the axt, but i have problems with the chrome/metal thing although i have read all tutorials for that

Your grass could be made more realistic by using different shades of green and having no white outline. the different shades of green should show the different grass blades.

For the axe blade, try using Ash's really easy 3D metal/chrome effect tut


Here's an example:


Merry Christmas


.::.My Gallery.::.Make Gold Text!.::.

As an Administrator of a gardening forum ( 6months old next week !!)

A good looking banner is important. PDN has helped me go from this:


to this:


The text started out using this excellent tut' ... viewtopic.php?f=15&t=20691

but I went wrong somewhere :roll:

Who cares !! It's been a pleasure trying to learn

... and reading the excellent tutorials on here.

Any ideas to give the banner some va va va voom very much appreciated :D


Glass will need more shine(highlights reflections) and glass letters need a more defined borders.

Use some :LinearGradient: :LinearReflectedGradient::RadialGradient: for the shine and such.

*Remember 1st color alpha=255, 2nd color alpha=0

on 2nd thought, wouldn't water go better with gardening than glass?

Good luck.


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

Thanks for the advice Ash. Use transparency in text ?

Water sounds a great idea ... how many layers would I have to make to have a rippling pond effect by the reeds ? JPEG not GIF

Add more highlights to the text if you want glass like.

For ripples, try the drop ripple plugin.

FYI: Gif can be animated not Jpeg if that's what you mean.


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

mhh i think my grass looks more realistic like yours tillerman and the stem is out of the tut from Ash, so it's realistic :P

i have overworked(?) the handle of the axt, but i have problems with the chrome/metal thing although i have read all tutorials for that

Your grass could be made more realistic by using different shades of green and having no white outline. the different shades of green should show the different grass blades.

For the axe blade, try using Ash's really easy 3D metal/chrome effect tut


Here's an example:


wow that's nice!

mhh i think my grass looks more realistic like yours tillerman and the stem is out of the tut from Ash, so it's realistic :P

i have overworked(?) the handle of the axt, but i have problems with the chrome/metal thing although i have read all tutorials for that

Your grass could be made more realistic by using different shades of green and having no white outline. the different shades of green should show the different grass blades.

For the axe blade, try using Ash's really easy 3D metal/chrome effect tut


Here's an example:


wow that's nice!

I like that grass, and the Axe Blade is very nice. Well Done! I can't wait to see what your final product will look like.


My Internet Explorer 8 Concept....

My Deviant Art

My Forum


Alright, so I'm working on a sig, and I feel the left part needs something..

I just don't know what..





try some distorts on the background like Ripple, or experiment with some blurs. Try radial and splinter they're quite cool. also you could try using film on the background and adding a glow to brighten things up.

Merry Christmas


.::.My Gallery.::.Make Gold Text!.::.

Hey guys. I was looking at some of Ash's works and i liked the with the water and grass. I then realised i did a tut just recently on grass tuft things (http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=24321) and i tried to do it this is how far i got


Wat do you think

How do you think I did mine? :lol:

With older version Pol to rect having less control..

And I heard something about my tut is "less customizable"?? huh? huh?


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]


Yeah i freaked out when i saw your "super realistic water texture" on dA because i just finished my grass tut. I'm assuming you used polar to rect .Wow i never would have thought you used polar to rect for your original. I would have assumed you'd use your less primative, more Ashey way of doing reeds.

Oh and Max Power sorry for not speaking english enough for you i'll try harder next time. If I were you i'd probably not have a conversation on MSN with anyone you might go into a nervous breakdown or something.


I had a comment that my current sig had a wierd looking dark blue patch in the sky,

and the text isnt very good, so i tryed fixing it, by playing around with the contrast and brightness, but it didnt work out to great (IMO).

Anyone have any ideas on how to make it better?

finalsig4.jpgthe original is my current sig (below).


My subconscious is consciously aware that I am subconsciously unconscious.


The sig itself is amazing: love the border, but the text would be more legiable if it were a bit bigger, and try lowering the opacity of the 'echoes'. If you PM me the PDN, I'll see what I can do!



ok i did lower the opacity a bit, but kept the text the same size, i put it to overlay as well. originaly i used the glass text tutorial..


Then i used the nice text effect tutorial, viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2887

for the blur, but the first effect isnt isnt rly noticeable. Mabye I should move it to a different corner? tell me what u think.

edited sig:



My subconscious is consciously aware that I am subconsciously unconscious.

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