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lynxster creations ~ NEW - More Stained Glass ~ 8/31/24 🍷


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No thank you Lynxster4.  I find the tutorials extremely useful for showing what results the plug ins can have, as well as achieving the desired result.

A God send for people starting out. As someone in the teaching profession I think they are an important part of the forum, so thank you to all tutorial writers. With the help of yourself, Pixey and welshblue I've managed to create something 🤗


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13 hours ago, AspiringArtist said:

With the help of yourself, Pixey and welshblue I've managed to create something 


Not to hijack lynxster's gallery, but I would love to see what you have created.  In fact, I am sure others would agree with me in encouraging you to open up your own gallery.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Lost a lot of detail when I resized my SOTW entry. Thought I'd share a bigger version.


Santa's such a cutie...




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Thank you @Vagabondi and @welshblue!  <3 <3


6 hours ago, welshblue said:

I'm not sure about 'sly' ... more ... that was a good night ... alll that brandy around the world 🌎


Now, that's what I'm talking about!  :P


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@welshblue  😲  I hope that is not your son!  🤣  (just some poor fella passed out on his furniture?)


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I would absolutely die of embarrassment if someone posted that kind of pic of me...😒  :P


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Ooops!  I meant to post here that I absolutely love this Santa.  My comment showed up in the Comp area 😱 (it's beyond me how - since deleted)  😂

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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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Here's my annual Christmas Wallpapers!  Late posting this year...very busy at work.


All pattern designs were done with @Xhin's Rectangular Inversion plugin except background on the confections.

I played with this plugin for a week before I found a secret that enabled me to make 'snowflakes'.  They are not perfect or symmetrical, but who cares! They're just so darn cute!


Merry Christmas to All!!







*Images are clickable for full-size download.    Enjoy!  🎄  🤗


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Thanks Welshy!  You kinda trailed off there...much appreciated!  


Merry Christmas to you and your family!  <3


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The first ones look like fairy tale browsers icons. The second ones... exotic birds feathers. And every single pattern is unique, just wow. 🎇


16 hours ago, lynxster4 said:


Late posting this year...very busy at work.


It's almost a merry Christmas & happy New year - tell 'em you deserve a day off. As a human and as a lynxster 😉

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my gallery is  here


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Oooooo - what a lovely array of Christmas Images.  You have the best ideas @lynxster4 ❤️ Hope you have a wonderful Christmas reindeer-tree.gif 


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How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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On 12/22/2019 at 5:59 AM, Vagabondi said:

tell 'em you deserve a day off. As a human and as a lynxster


Thank you Vagabondi <3 for your nice comment!  And I did tell them...I have the whole week off!  😁


Thank you @Seerose  <3   And you do the same!  🎄


Thank you @Pixey  <3  Merry Christmas to you and yours!  🎄


Thank you @ReMake and @HyReZ!  Merry Christmas to you all!  🎄



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Thank you @Vagabondi for nominating 'Three Tigers'.  


It was a surprise 'Christmas' present!  ☺️


Thank you @Drydareelin for the nice words. I always enjoy your 'spacescapes'. :)


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Thank you so much dear @Maximilian!  <3


Hope you had a wonderful Holiday!  🎄


(nag...still waiting on your gallery thread.....🤣)

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Dear @Seerose <3


I wish you and your family a safe and wonderful New Year!  :rainbow: 😄


I looked into my :FloodModeGlobal: and it told me 2020 was going to be awesome! 😁

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