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What are your most used plugins?

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It's something to talk about and I am just generally curious. What plugins do you use the most?


I use Curves+ and Cross Processing far too much. The Alignment plugins are also used but that's just for small things usually. 

And for those who know me well, Shape3D.


What about you lot?

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BoltBait's Selection Tools, Drop Shadow, Align Object, and one or two of my own (unreleased) creations....

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Basic AntiAlias, AA's Assistant, Grim Color Reaper, Align Object, Smudge, Liquify, Outline Object, Trail, Tr's Edge Fader, and Transparency

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These are the ones I use most often:

CodeLab - by far, my most used

BoltBait's Transparency Adjustment, Selection Tools (Bevel, Feather, etc.), Flip, Combined Photo Adjustments, and Sharpen Landscape

Tanel's Shadow / Highlight Recovery and Red Eye Quick Fix

evanold's Conditional Hue/Saturation Adjustment

pyrochild's Curves+

I'm most impressed by Smudge and Liquify. But, I never use them... not my style.

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These are the ones I use most often:

CodeLab - by far, my most used

Good call!

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Well .... Code Lab is way above my comprehension level :|


@BBQ - is it because you are now using v4 that you can't use Lomography?  'cos I've got it in v3.5.11 :D


So, I use: 


Curves, Gradient Mapping, Hue Saturation, Invert Colors, Levels, Motion and Radial Blurs, Smudge (big time), Custom Mini Brushes, Liquify, Bulge, Polar Inversion, Distorting Mirror, Mirror, Noise, AA's Assistant, Outline Object, Trail, Metalize, Sharpen, Bevel, Emboss, Shape 3D, Multi Color Gradient, Frames, Alighn Object, Imgur Uploader, and BB's Selection Tools.


Phew - guess I use a lot :lol:


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I agree with some of the others. Curves+ and AA's Assistant are plugins that are so invaluable to me as well.


It depends on the type of work you do really.


I personally user Curves+ for adjusting color balance and for adjusting the luminousity settings. AA's Assitant is for refining the edges of traced out objects or shapes and its been featured on many tutorials published on this forum as well.

Edited by Ishi
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They are REALLY specific.  I use them because I built them and know what they do exactly.  One of my effects, for example, can be done with the Panelling plugin.  There's nothing in there that other plugins cannot achieve.


Excepting of course two special plugins I'm collaborating on with TR and Red Ochre.  These WILL be released - perhaps later this month.

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I tend to cut-out a lot of objects, so I favor and use plugins that help with the edges of my objects. I often use a combination of :

Basic AntiAlias, Feather (mostly new, sometimes old), and AA's Assistant.

For blending images or fading edges, without the gradient tool, I use Alpha Blur and TR's EFX.


Other plugins I use a lot are :

Object Align, Outline Object, Drop Shadow, Grim Color Reaper, Alpha Mask set to invert, Liquify, Engrave/Emobss, Shape 3D, Random Shape Fill, TwistZ with Zoom (aka twist +), Waves, Sin Waves, Curly Lines, Fur Blur, and Cyanotype.


I have a few favorite adjustments and Effects which aren't plugins, as they come with paint.net, and those would be Hue/Saturation, Brightness/Contrast, Sepia, Levels, Invert Colors, Dents, Clouds, Tile Reflection, and most blurs.



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