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@BoltBait: That's very...interesting. :-) Like an image made up of knotted ribbon. I don't know what use it has, but it's certainly a fascinating result!


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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@BoltBait now that picture gives a whole new meaning to being sharp. :lol:

good effect wrong pic. poor wee babe what you doing to that child.?

Looks like I tied him up in a knot. :D

It was just a picture that I had handy. It is awful quality from my old LG cell phone. I have a better camera phone now.

EDIT: You could at least comment on the graphic.

Looks familiar...that wasn't by any chance inspired by the picture I posted last week where I sharpened a whole bunch? I just need to know...to see if I should have a big head or not. ;)

Definately. I was aware of your oversharpining technique. I was just wondering where you could go from there.

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Well, here's a little present of such from me. Anyways, it's a piece of pop art I made. Designed perspefically for the purpose of being actually printed and hung. For people's information, this piece of art can be printed out to 58 cm without any damage. Of course, that'll only happen when I could get prints done :P

Anyways, here it is. It's the first of a 5 piece pop art series. This piece of is the Depth Edition of it. So, yeah, here's the link.

http://ilia-and-link-lover.deviantart.c ... h-69793489

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do you still have it as a PDN file? you might try sharpening the person a bit

and leave the background

if you have flattened this could help a bit sharpen maybe around 5 or so and then use the brightnes and contrast

if possible make your name a bit more prominent. we think you are important you should show us you are.

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that's much better. try some more tuts then come back to that one at a later date. you will find you understand more and more each time. but that is very good for now. its much sharper the name stands out more

you are on your way :wink:

keep trying and post here in the pictorium often. don't worry if you get some bad feedback once in awhile, take the advise and run with some of it, disregard snide comments, you will progress at a nice even pace if you stick with it.

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