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I scaned a coloring book to get the outline of the ship.

I used the seamless helper to do this. How about that Mariner Star, I used the poly/star effect.

I had a little trouble with the inside outline, oh well, I did learn from it.

I think I will try an eyeball today.

Thanks for the kind words.

I really like the style you're developing. Your art reminds me a lot of water color and the style and palette brings to mind illustrations from children's books -- soft, bright colors that catch the eye and interest.

Good job. Looking forward to seeing more.

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something a bit different from me. I am generally drawen towards abstract art, and things with loads of pattern. Here I was just messing around to see what I can do on a still life.

all 100% PDN

Oma, that is amazing. You did that all "freehand" in PDN? Amazing! Did you use a tablet?

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something a bit different from me. I am generally drawen towards abstract art, and things with loads of pattern. Here I was just messing around to see what I can do on a still life.

all 100% PDN

Oma, that is amazing. You did that all "freehand" in PDN? Amazing! Did you use a tablet?

Oh my goodness no. didn't use anything other than plugins. if you look close you will see my contributions using the paint and pencil in the two squiggly green lines that just don't seem to belong to any flowers.

but i did actually hand draw the hand with the gun, using an old fashioned pencil and paper and scanner.


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another from my sketch pad (doodle book) and a 3d egg with OMA sig and lace work

I hand sketched the hand and scanned into computor program. when I get the hang of the old fashioned method of drawing I'll attempt to do this total paintNET.

sorry for the edits couldn't figure out how to downsize this one think I've got it now.

"OMA in the Hand of God"


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Here, Oma, I managed to get the lines all black. It was a pretty bad case of "dirty paper", and I had to use the Film plugin to do the work. It's thus a little bit distorted. I kept the edges pretty raw, so you can maybe add a feathering to it.

Hope it helps you!


"Ah, i love it when huge pineapples try to take over the world, it makes me sentimental :')"


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after cuting out the image i used a plugin called...

Conditional Hue/Saturation

Its an adjustmant ill show you how to use it in a sec


Make sure the whole colour wheel is selected now on the side click one of the fades and using hue action scroll to you get the order you like.

BTW: all coloured parts of the image are changed



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Im grounded so i cant be on the forum much.


im making my mom a website for her music group.

Here are some of the images i am considering using:




thats the same conecept as the second one but it doesnt have a gradient layer

also i made something just for fun:


if you want instructions then just use steganography 3-bits on this (i did this mainly for fun).


i think i will change my sig soon to something like the first image i posted (in this post)

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Lionhearted I love your 'stems and stars' right down to the font.

surgency did you use the poly/star on that? Cool!

Grounded, I grew up cloistered (tr.v. clois·tered, clois·ter·ing, clois·ters

To shut away from the world) At a place called Mooseheart the Child City, long story.

This is what I have been working own.



I was trying to be pixel perfect. Tall order. Don't laugh-but-when I first started it never occured to me to zoom in. DUH!

Did I mention I don't know how to use my word processer yet. So much to learn.


"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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yea yeah,

ive had no tv ever since my sister went into third grade (i was in first, but i skipped kindergarten)

my computer in my room has been there every since i was in third grade but almost always since then its been 100% useless because it has no internet and my account does not have administrative privalages

only thing i do on it is... paint.net!

and, before i can hang out or watch a movie ive got to do like 15 pages of math that my dad uses on job interviews to get into microsoft

then, i have to play piano a lot, and then read like 300 pages (in russian).

im not complaining because i know how much all that math is going to help me when i grow up (especially if i want to get into microsoft. hehe)

but it would be nice to let me have a little freedom

EDIT: also, you got any feedback/critisism about my pics?

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a total of 5 fragmented spheres. Thanks janet. Think vangogh and make some lines ,paint bucket them in transparent, shape 3d, magick wand and ctrl x select areas of view and then, start layering to your hearts content.

Drop shadow aura. not convinced it was needed as filler.

I NAMED IT "COOPER PAIR" Which is heavy tech talk for the way electronic signals work in some devices, purely atomic conversation and boring to most folks. You can find the subject on wiki.

I suppose i could have called it cooper pair and the obligatory EM. which visually fits in abstract.

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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Okay, this is incredibly geeky...but your sig from the other forum shows Pi. (3.1415...) But Pi to that decimal should actually be 3.1416, since the next digit is 9.

3.141592654...yeah, okay, so I'm a geek. Sue me.

I like it anyway...


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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Okay, this is incredibly geeky...but your sig from the other forum shows Pi. (3.1415...) But Pi to that decimal should actually be 3.1416, since the next digit is 9.

It's probably because it's a truncated string, not a rounded decimal. :wink:

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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Just got off a 12 hrs plane ride home. X_x

Home sweet home :)

@moc426, mustang maverick, oma, blooper101, snospmiS:


@Ares: Thanks, and check out my tut to make dice. Good luck!

We're going to have to wait for the master to tell us.

*Dances to make the gods happy*

LOL :lol: *Joins blooper, mustang maverick & drags The_Lionhearted

to dance*

My stab at Ash's palm tree/ parrot wing.





Thats pretty good, But I believe it's quite different methods.

@jake2k: Looking good!

when I get the hang of the old fashioned method of drawing I'll attempt to do this total paintNET.

Thats the best way, I can't start to count the papers I've used/wasted over the years :lol:

@jerkfight: Seems your Conditional Hue/Saturation is outta date!

Im grounded so i cant be on the forum much.

Sorry to hear that. :?

@janettsue: I can see what style you like working with. :)

Quite nice!

@Madjik: I like it!

I believe that's everybody :P


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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before I forget i have to give major props to The_Lionhearted for that amazing wp!


^thats what major props look like just incase anyone was wondering ;) ^


^Click to visit my Flickr Gallery^

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