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:lol: sokagirl you have to lay off that spiked cola! I don't see an owl in there either. And you ought to know I'm a great one for seeing every animal imaginable in clouds, or swirls on paper, or colors on a screen. nope don't see that owl. :lol:

Pink infusion is certainly that. nearly popped my eyes out with the color. simply love it.

ciao OMA

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@ Chrisco , thank you for the comment . Like my new sig ^_^ thank you very much .

@Oma , it's okay about the owl . Maybe it was an optical illusion , spiked cola ha ha .. More like spiked water ..

@ Helen thanks dear .. I am always open to new things so we shall see ..

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:lol: sokagirl you have to lay off that spiked cola! I don't see an owl in there either. And you ought to know I'm a great one for seeing every animal imaginable in clouds, or swirls on paper, or colors on a screen. nope don't see that owl. :lol:

It is actually hard to see the owl. But, I can see what SokaGirl is talking about :)

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Thanks Chrisco , I suppose it's rather hard to see :lol: not a problem just the same .. I have come up with something for barbieq , not sure where she is at the moment but I hope she'll get to see it .. She said she loved snakes and while fooling with some effects I came up with a snake skin bowl and lid :mrgreen:


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@ Darkshock , thanks I'm glad you liked it .

@ A Fleeting Glimpse , really a Tiger with sunglasses :lol: thank you now I know my eyes aren't funny and that there is an owl .

@ bjarni , thanks for stopping by , always appreciate your comments .

@ Yellowman , very happy that you love the bowl .

Now this piece , I came about by beveling , shape3d and kaleidescope :P


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sokagirl you are just getting more and more amazing i would have to say the kaleidoscopic star is just absolutely great and the fish image is just wonderful. I swear i will get some time to work on our collab this week :lol: that is if my nazi work will let me have a day off.


"Clearly it's a very serious and literal meaning. If you're not solving physics equations then get off my lawn!-Rick Brewster Paint.net Lead Developer"

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@ Helen , why thank you very much dear . I was going for something soft :P

@ MidgetAlien , thanks for stopping by . Oh I do have more coming but I think I should wait a bit I don't want to over load people with my creations :roll: you know too much too soon .

@ theonlychad , Nazi work :shock: well I hope your boss doesn't over work you .. Whenever you have the chance okay ? There's no time limit :lol: I'm here all the time unless my computer goes down then I'll be well you know .. I'll have an update for you all next week thanks for the comments and stopping by to look :mrgreen:

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