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Since there are not enough spacescenes done ;) I thought I'd do another one...


Click for larger view.

100% PDN.

Been around for the last 2 pages?

Here it is folks: my latest (100% PdN) planet scene. EDIT: Click (either pic) to go to my DA account, where you can view the full size!


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It looks cool, but it looks like all that you've done so far is put "JF" over an already made image.

True but it is unfinished...


What the-?!? There is but one way to describe it: It's as good as π

You probably didn't catch the pun there, but who cares? But still, that pic reeks in awesomeness!



I am a disco dancer. +_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+_+

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