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Dents! *smacks forehead*

That was my second guess, though I never tried it out. :|

And now we know. :D


I present to you... the awe and wonder that is... an uninteresting paper bag!


What could be inside?!

Does anyone care?!

Why are there so many Chuck Norris jokes?!

Click above to find out!*

*Total lie

That looks really fantastic! How did u do that? What could have been inside that? Surely a cat :D

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Seriously, you're making me WAY jealous. You're going to have to stop it. :-)


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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Fractal here? no!

Mmmmhhh.....guessing guessing :?: :roll: sine waves, semi-transparent gradients and a dash of your newest baby :D gravity :?:

sine waves = no,

semi-transparent = yes,

gradients = no,

gravity = no,

newest baby = yes & no!

1. 1 white dot centered on a black image + sparkles

2. Layer Rotate/Zoom, apply a zoom!

3. Zoom blur

4. Twist

5. Duplicate the layer / Flip it / F4; blend mode= Addition

6. Background image: new (baby) update for the vibrato plugin (to be published soon)...

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That looks really fantastic! How did u do that? What could have been inside that? Surely a cat :D


This is how to make the crumpled paper look.

I'll just leave this here... I felt it was too short for its own thread (It would take like 5 seconds to make one if everyone feels it does deserve its own thread.)

The actual bag itself was a lot of Shape3D angles that I don't remember. :P

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I made him look older


A bit of blue would make that look better! Also your the fact thing in your sig doesnt make sense.... because 97% and then 4% adds up to 101%??? huh?

thanks! I saw it on someone elses thing, put it on and never caught that! lol


~97% of teens won't stand up for Anything. Put this on your sig if you're one of the 3% who've fallen down trying.

Oh, and there's 3 types of people in this world...

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That looks really fantastic! How did u do that? What could have been inside that? Surely a cat :D


This is how to make the crumpled paper look.

I'll just leave this here... I felt it was too short for its own thread (It would take like 5 seconds to make one if everyone feels it does deserve its own thread.)

The actual bag itself was a lot of Shape3D angles that I don't remember. :P

Thanks Wither, I shall try the crumpled paper soon, while I suppose for the bag I shall have to go by chances with the shape 3d (box shape, I suppose)


Fractal here? no!

Mmmmhhh.....guessing guessing :?: :roll: sine waves, semi-transparent gradients and a dash of your newest baby :D gravity :?:

sine waves = no,

semi-transparent = yes,

gradients = no,

gravity = no,

newest baby = yes & no!

1. 1 white dot centered on a black image + sparkles

2. Layer Rotate/Zoom, apply a zoom!

3. Zoom blur

4. Twist

5. Duplicate the layer / Flip it / F4; blend mode= Addition

6. Background image: new (baby) update for the vibrato plugin (to be published soon)...

I did not guessed one :lol:

I tried to follow your steps there but it came out a completely different thing :lol: You can see it here:


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