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not like some of the unique images here but this was made completely using paint.net:


nice! could you maybe tell me how u made the commo pattern? :P

OMG How in the world did you make that???

Thats sooo good!

Need a tut for that....well all of the techniques you did!!!


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I wasn't serious about making something, I was just experimenting with a few ideas. I've actually learned a lot after ending up with this. Now I have some very useful new techniques to apply for later edits.


this was just an experiment, but I wanted to show you all anyways.

PLEASE make a tut for this!!!! DUDE ITS AWESOME AND IM A DUMBASS! perfect formula for a tut? xD :D

I will if more people request it

I'm requesting :)


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not like some of the unique images here but this was made completely using paint.net:


nice! could you maybe tell me how u made the commo pattern? :P

OMG How in the world did you make that???

Thats sooo good!

Need a tut for that....well all of the techniques you did!!!

looking good, not as easy thing to draw :mrgreen:, ^^marcus, tut wise theres not a ton he could probably teach, the camo pattern could probably get a tut, but everything else if you break it down is easy, its pulling it all together thats the hard part. Good Job! and welcome!

i havent posted much in the pictorium lately, i did this little cartoon the other day making fun of a friend lol, i thought id share it. you gotta think about it to understand it :P



Support Our Troops, End The War

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Looks really cool! But try a gaussian blur on the star, it'll gibve a much more star-like glow...

I need your help people... Where should I place the language thingy? Please note that it's LONGER then the normal tabs due to the flag, which was all made by moi.


I need your advice, or I won't be able to continue... Not knowing where it should be bugs me... :(

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not like some of the unique images here but this was made completely using paint.net:


In agreement with what everyone else is saying, you've done some smashing work on this. I simply won't be able to rest until I emulate your camouflage pattern.

Furthermore, I'll be emotionally crushed if the words "stock image" are in your next post*.

*Unless the words "it was not a" are in front of it.


@ Azurithil - Lookin' good. You might want to consider making it appear as if the stars are being sucked into the black hole/transdimensional warp gate thing as well. (Alternatively, if the planet is supposed to be coming out of the dimensional rift thing, disregard my previous statement. ;))

(Also, it's against dA's rules to hotlink images (even your own) directly. See http://help.deviantart.com/229/ for more details :))


@ Stephan - :shock: Well... you totally beat me. I couldn't think of a single thing to do with it.

Maybe... um, small (even semi-translucent) content boxes/windows?

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Looks really cool! But try a gaussian blur on the star, it'll gibve a much more star-like glow...

I need your help people... Where should I place the language thingy? Please note that it's LONGER then the normal tabs due to the flag, which was all made by moi.


I need your advice, or I won't be able to continue... Not knowing where it should be bugs me... :(

You are the reason I am no longer entering the MSC this month :D

That work is outstanding, and if you continusly make those flags I would resize them and place them as a small bar accross the bottom. Just a suggestion though!


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That work is outstanding, and if you continusly make those flags I would resize them and place them as a small bar accross the bottom. Just a suggestion though!

Concidently, i just saw the light, and made the smaller ones, but placed them at the top 2 minutes ago! Thanks for the compliment also :D

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Looks really cool! But try a gaussian blur on the star, it'll gibve a much more star-like glow...

I need your help people... Where should I place the language thingy? Please note that it's LONGER then the normal tabs due to the flag, which was all made by moi.

I need your advice, or I won't be able to continue... Not knowing where it should be bugs me... :(

wat do you mean by language thingy?


Support Our Troops, End The War

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I made this odd swirly thing...


Please don't ask how i made it... i have NO idea... :oops:


Firefox is the best! So is Relient K!

~96% of teens won't stand up for God. Put this in your sig if you're one of the 4% who will.

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26

Bye Paint.NET!

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@MIX_M@N: My guess would be light rays, polar inversion, some clouds, maybe shape3D, and Ed Harvey's vignette. :-)


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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@Stephan: COOL! It looks really nice


Firefox is the best! So is Relient K!

~96% of teens won't stand up for God. Put this in your sig if you're one of the 4% who will.

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26

Bye Paint.NET!

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Computer Generated Paper 100% PdN


And one w/Shadows


Really Easy...

Diff. Clouds 14 times



Add Shadows:

New Layer

Very Blurred Clouds

Move Layer Down

Top Layer Blend Mode: Glow



Firefox is the best! So is Relient K!

~96% of teens won't stand up for God. Put this in your sig if you're one of the 4% who will.

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26

Bye Paint.NET!

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well most of the stuff I did in the tank pic is pretty easy and basic, just a lot of it is in a small scale and took a while to 'get it right'. pretty much everything in there can be either classified as a line (with varying transparency) or a color detail (also with varying transparency). The actual pdn file is really, really messy...

As for the camo, I kinda forgot how to do it since I did it awhile ago and like my normal self, didn't save it as the pdn file (I have since learned to keep a pdn around). But, I was able to figure it out again, although its not quite right, I think i'm missing something (or my numbers are different). Basically just choose a couple of colors you want (I chose 3 and keep in mind that you'll want to have a background color too) and make some thinnish blobs running horizontally (as if you were making a conventional camo but keep some open space around for the background color). Feel free to overlap with different colors so it appears vaguely 3D and do the blobs however large you want. I kept all mine on the same layer but to each his own. After I got a bunch of intersecting blobs of green and tan and brown, then go to Effects->Distort-> Dents. Go to the stretch tab and change the angle from what it was to 90, and then play with the amount to determine how much its stretched. Then go back to the General and Detail tabs and play around with it until you have something you like, then click okay. Depending on how much space you took up doing it and how much of the camo you want, you could either do in one shot, doing all the blobs in one layer and then doing what I said above, or do chunks at a time (basically repeating everything above on a new layer to add diversity and depth, which I think is what I did for the tank as its pretty complex). Then, whatever you were going to have as your background color, place that in a layer beyind the camo blobs. Merge all layers and voila.

In my case, it was a little too bright, so I just took a darker green, increased the opacity and then covered the whole thing in it (using the filled in rectangle tool0 to make it a darker greenish color (which also helped in reducing the contrast between the colors, making it appear more 'homogenized'?). I hope it helps. I'd make a tut or at least give you guys some screenshots but for some reason this computer won't do screen shots, so out of luck there, I guess.

Anyways, thanks for the comments, they're appreciated.

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Dents! *smacks forehead*

That was my second guess, though I never tried it out. :|

And now we know. :D


I present to you... the awe and wonder that is... an uninteresting paper bag!


What could be inside?!

Does anyone care?!

Why are there so many Chuck Norris jokes?!

Click above to find out!*

*Total lie

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