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Image Umbrella: Realistic Images


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That's very good for a first realistic picture InteractiveBuddy :)

To make the floor more realistic I would start with going Layers > Rotate/Zoom... and use the Roll/Rotate function to create some perspective.

th_rotate.jpg Click image to see bigger version

If you want the bars to cast shadows you can make some black lines on a new layer where the bars are. Then blur them and use rotate/zoom

th_shadow.png Here's a quick example. click it to see it bigger

Keep on working with it :D

Edit: Oma both those dragonpics are amazing :shock: :D

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@ Bjanri Very pretty. Try the Metallize plugin on the gold outlines and it would make it more realistic looking.

@ Oma, Wow, beautiful dragon. Simply amazing. Makes my Puff the Magic Dragon look not so magic. :lol:

@ Interactive Buddy, Great idea! I have had a prison cell on my to do list for a long time but there is one idea that I want to ad to it that I just haven't figured out just yet. Great job. I think with the changes to the perspective on the floor and additional shadowing it will be a top notch work.

This is something I finished about a week ago. I had to let it set for a long time to get the idea completed in my mind. Something Welsh Blue did gave me the inspiration to get back to work on it and I finished it in no time. This is....

Froggie Jump



SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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That is really good Fallschirmjäger, everything is so reallistic. i am sorry, but the wood is my least favorite part of the picture though. just some constructive criticism.

Hi Heat Stroke,

The background on the image isn't meant to be wood (Although now that Ii think about it, it does have a slight resemblance if you're not keen in the field of German Paratrooper uniforms).

It's meant to be a camouflaged paratrooper smock. Here's the piece I made for a back background (resized)


Considering most of it would be hidden, I didn't bother detailing it too much.

Here's one of the links I used as a reference for the smock:

http://www.germanmilitaria.com/Luftwaff ... 28161.html

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wow, sorry about that, i guess i should know what i am looking at before i open my mouth. in that light, yeah, it looks great! :)

i guess i should tell you what my favorite part is. i really like the gold piece, it is very reallistic.


Wait! No matter where you go, there you are!

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wow, sorry about that, i guess i should know what i am looking at before i open my mouth. in that light, yeah, it looks great! :)

Don't worry. I know not everybody here is as interested in Fallschirmjäger uniforms as I am.

i guess i should tell you what my favorite part is. i really like the gold piece, it is very reallistic.

Thanks. Somebody emailed me the badge, but it needed a lot of work before it looked like that.

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I like the style of your work, Possum, I can see exactly how you make certain objects and it starts me thinking on how I can use the same techniques in my own art.

Thank you. I have a pretty simple style so it's easy to see how I do much of my work. I learned from Ash that many times doing things the old fashion way, and not expecting everything to come from a plugin (I often did in the past), results in a better image and a deeper knowledge of PdN. It has made a big difference to me.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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topezia your last image is quite large i suggest resizing it. And you art is good but most of it could use some work. The background in the fifth image detracts from the foreground of the image. Keep at up the good work and maybe one day you will get a piece in the galleria.


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@ Topezia The mirror/chrome sphere is awesome but I particularly like the ink pen. The oranges and apples are also very realistic looking. Very nice job, very impressive. I've not seen you on here in a while and it's good to see you back.

@ georgian, Wow, nice shotgun. I think it would look better with shot coming out of the barrel instead of a single projectile. You could make little chrome spheres to look like .00 buckshot.

@ Goonie, Awesome radio man! We had one very much like that when I was a kid. Yeah, I'm that old. I'm vintage too.


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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Cool radio Goonie :) I think the background and colors really works well with the vintage feel.

Big version of my attempt to make a (weird) steampunk-like signature for the SOTW

Had to re-size it (obviously) so thought I'd post the original version too



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