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Landscape Plugin - With source code (Nov 2, 2009)


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Tomorrow is my birthday, but today you get the present!

Remember when I wrote the Portrait plugin, MadJik wrote:

MadJik said:

Another good plugin :plugin: ! I like it ! Thanks...

=>joke : ETA for Landscape plugin ?

Well, ETA is TODAY! :D



It automates a bunch of steps that I make when fixing landscape pictures. It is obviously not right for everything, but I find it useful. Hopefully you will too.

Download the Landscape.dll as part of my plugin pack here: https://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/32048-v

If you have trouble installing this plugin, post your troubles here.

Enjoy. B)

For those that are interested in such things, here is the CodeLab source:

// Author: BoltBait
// Submenu: Photo
// Name: Sharpen Landscape
// URL: http://www.BoltBait.com/pdn
#region UICode
Pair<double, double> Amount1 = Pair.Create( 0.0 , -0.25 ); // Position of Horizon
int Amount2 = 50; // [0,100] Sky
int Amount3 = 50; // [0,100] Grass
int Amount4 = 100; // [0,200] Sharpen
int Amount5 = 50; // [0,100] Saturation
int Amount6 = 50; // [0,100] Final Multiply Adjustment

// Setup for using the various blend ops
private UserBlendOps.OverlayBlendOp overlayOp = new UserBlendOps.OverlayBlendOp();
private UserBlendOps.ColorDodgeBlendOp dodgeOp = new UserBlendOps.ColorDodgeBlendOp();
private UserBlendOps.MultiplyBlendOp multiplyOp = new UserBlendOps.MultiplyBlendOp();
private UnaryPixelOps.HueSaturationLightness saturationOp;

unsafe void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
    Rectangle selection = this.EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt();
    ColorBgra Sky = ColorBgra.FromBgr(255,128,0);
    ColorBgra Grass = ColorBgra.FromBgr(0,128,0);
    int HorizonRow = (int)Math.Round(((Amount1.Second + 1) / 2) * (selection.Bottom - selection.Top));
    saturationOp = new UnaryPixelOps.HueSaturationLightness(0, 100+Amount5*3, 0);

    // Setup for calling the Blur function
    GaussianBlurEffect blurEffect = new GaussianBlurEffect();
    PropertyCollection bProps = blurEffect.CreatePropertyCollection();
    PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken bParameters = new PropertyBasedEffectConfigToken(bProps);
    bParameters.SetPropertyValue(GaussianBlurEffect.PropertyNames.Radius, 1);
    blurEffect.SetRenderInfo(bParameters, new RenderArgs(dst), new RenderArgs(src));
    // Call the Blur function
    blurEffect.Render(new Rectangle[1] {rect},0,1);

    // Now in the main render loop, the dst canvas has a blurred version of the src canvas
    for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++)
        ColorBgra* srcPtr = src.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y);
        ColorBgra* dstPtr = dst.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y);
        for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++)
            // Create a blue gradient at the top
            if (< HorizonRow) {
                Sky.= (byte)(int)((255.0 - (255.0 * y / HorizonRow ))*(Amount2/100.0));
            } else {
                Sky.= (byte)0;

            // Create a green gradient at the bottom
            if (> HorizonRow) {
                Grass.= (byte)(int)((255.0 * (y-HorizonRow) / (selection.Bottom-HorizonRow))*(Amount3/100.0));
            } else {
                Grass.= (byte)0;

            ColorBgra AdjustmentPixel = *dstPtr;
            ColorBgra SourcePixel = *srcPtr;

            // Sharpen (unsharp mask)
            double NewR = (double)SourcePixel.+ ((double)SourcePixel.- (double)AdjustmentPixel.R) * (double)Amount4 / 100.0;
            double NewG = (double)SourcePixel.+ ((double)SourcePixel.- (double)AdjustmentPixel.G) * (double)Amount4 / 100.0;
            double NewB = (double)SourcePixel.+ ((double)SourcePixel.- (double)AdjustmentPixel.B) * (double)Amount4 / 100.0;
            AdjustmentPixel.= Utility.ClampToByte(NewR);
            AdjustmentPixel.= Utility.ClampToByte(NewG);
            AdjustmentPixel.= Utility.ClampToByte(NewB);

            // Boost the saturation
            *dstPtr = saturationOp.Apply(AdjustmentPixel);

            // Add in the sky and grass
            *dstPtr = multiplyOp.Apply(*dstPtr, Sky);
            *dstPtr = dodgeOp.Apply(*dstPtr, Grass);

            // Finally, add a little "punch" to the overall picture
            AdjustmentPixel = *dstPtr;
            AdjustmentPixel.= (byte)(int)(Amount6 * 255.0 / 100.0);
            *dstPtr = multiplyOp.Apply(*dstPtr, AdjustmentPixel);


Thanks to Tanel for the Sharpen (unsharp mask) code.

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  • 2 months later...

I really like this plugin.

BoltBait is there any way to have a tilt option for the horizon line? sometimes the horizon just isn't smack dab across the screen in straight line.

the work around I've been using is larger canvas and rotating the image then applying plugin then re righting the picture. not absolutlely ideal. but only way I can think to do this. is there another method I'm not thinking of?

ciao OMA

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  • 6 months later...
  • 6 years later...


In CodeLab:

1. CTRL+I and click on Update (the selected control)

2. Replace the original code:

AdjustmentPixel.R = Utility.ClampToByte(NewR);
AdjustmentPixel.G = Utility.ClampToByte(NewG);
AdjustmentPixel.B = Utility.ClampToByte(NewB);


AdjustmentPixel.R = Int32Util.ClampToByte((int)NewR);
AdjustmentPixel.G = Int32Util.ClampToByte((int)NewG);
AdjustmentPixel.B = Int32Util.ClampToByte((int)NewB);


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<3 Dear @ingwer


:trophy:  Thank you very much for the video and for your effort,  it's helped me. :cake: :coffee: 






*PS: The photo belongs to me. 

Edited by Seerose
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Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.




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  • 1 year later...

Since you created CodeLab in the first place, could you teach me how to apply two effects in a plugin? I'm working on a HDR plugin and I'm trying to add a "Brightness/Contrast" effect to it before the "Gaussian Blur" effect - but I seem to get errors. Any tips and help?

Big McThankies From McSpankies!

sakana sig resized.png

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  • 2 years later...

Where can I find the "download " for this landscape -Plugin? I lost all my plug ins when I HAD to upgrade from Windows7 to W10. I could not find the plug in paks I used when I first  Downloaded Paint.net. I am trying to find them all.  Why is everything changing making it a daily hourly search? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks 

Here is one of my Designs. It is Day 6 of the creation, and God has just created the Elephant, the male and his female. I love art work. Paint.net is the Best tool on the market. I really need my Plug -ins.


God Made the Heavens by CAKyer.jpg

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