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The theme this time round is – Empty Vase.
And was chosen by – lynxster4 (OOTF #22 Runner-up)


 As the topic states, create your own Vase, you may decorate it in any style you wish,
just don’t put any flowers in the vase please.

The deadline for entries is on Sunday 20th May at 7PM (UK Time)
(To see how that equates to other countries, here’s a link to the
World Clock. )


Good luck one and all, thanks in advance for entering.



Competition Rules:


Your entry must not have a background/backdrop/scene; just the object on a transparent canvas.
(Shadows and reflections are fine)


Your entry must be made using paint.net only.


The use of stock images or photos is prohibited.

Maximum dimensions are 600 X 600.

You may modify or replace your image until the deadline.

You may post up to three entries. (Please make a separate post for each)




You may link to alternative versions, but they will not be part of your entry.




This thread is for posting competition entries only. If you want to talk about any of the entries, or ask a question regarding the competition, 
you may do so in the discussion thread  
Found Here


Thanks to @toe_head2001 for launching and hosting this competition in the past.


Previous comps have included the following topics Here

Edited by DrewDale
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