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You just received the Best Pic Ever Made In PdN Award.

But why is it so small?

Thanks. So small? Hmmm... I guess 800x800 isn't to large to post here:


It was actually 800x920, but I cropped it.

It is the image that I will be using for my upcoming website! :D

v An excellent open–source strategy game—highly recommended.


"I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?"

"For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment..."

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Holy cow Helio! That's awesome! Is there a way you could show me how to make a planet like that?? Wow man!

Anyhow here's a little doodad i was drawing... Is there anything I cold do better on it? Rate it!


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boredom at it's finest:


EDIT: hmmm, it was bigger...

EDIT: it's still not uploading the full size o_O?

EDIT... again: I give up, imageshack is not letting me upload the full size version for some reason (1600x1200)


^Click to visit my Flickr Gallery^

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I've been working on putting objects in hollow-ish orbs, still don't know if its coming out right.

btw, here is the link to the photoshop tut its based on. Thanks, Madjik for the link. Also other orb tut links here

I'm diggin your penguin man.. hmm... i might have to try that.

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you could have it cycle through diff colors ;) what kind of cell phone do you have and do you know of any websites or tuts so i could try this on my phone?


^Click to visit my Flickr Gallery^

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Nicely done, Jake!

As I mentioned before, I've skinned my cell phone...(huge :D) and I'm kinda stuck as to whether I should use this animated gif or just the straight wallpaper I posted earlier. What do you guys think? Is there a better animation I could try with this image?


I like the animated background more than the static one you had shown earlier, and yeah cycling through colors would be neat.



I think i like it? not as good as to one above though

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This is a space background I am working on at a request from a friend. The Extra Studios watermark will be replaced by something else. 1280x1024. Suggestions for improvement and *ahem* constructive criticism always welcome.


BTW, the spaceship is made using GMax, a free 3D program I use a lot, so, though the image is not 100% PdN, it is 100% original.

It is a crappy jpeg to save a bit of space. Sorry. :)

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though i'm not a specialist i think you should blur the planet's edges to make it look more realistic,because now it looks like waffle ^^

and I like shadows on it very much.

and planet edges ought be more scratched so we could believe there really are craters and canyons.

o.you made a joke.

crappy jpeg (showing space) to save space.

you can save whales with it too :D

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