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The Pictorium! Post your created or edited images here!


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I like the result you are getting, but the thing that got me is your color palette.

That palette is from the 3.0 alpha / beta -- if you reset it, you'll get the "normal" one.

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damn, i think we need a small tut on the proper way to post images lol

its really not that difficult to get a like and either push an Img button or put

around that link...


Site: RIP =(

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ok, quick tut

*NOTICE: "[" and "]" are shown as "{" and "}" for this example*

To post an image:


To post a thumbnail that links to the original image add ".th" before the last "." in the img url:


hope this helped


^Click to visit my Flickr Gallery^

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just saying your avatar is really nice. but that really needs to be a png too.

All i do is ave it as a png to my desktop and upload it to photobucket.

it just takes longer to upload because pngs are generally bigger files


"No. Dreaming is illegal."~Pyrochild

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where'd you find that boat?

it would be good for what im trying to make.

I just took a boat from the internet and turned it black.

I googled for "Segelboot" or "Segelschiff" or something like that (german ;) )

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