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I for one like the fractals. They sure look cool. Thank you buzzkill for telling me where to get the chaoscope. I don't know what I will do with colored smoke,I feel like once I've seen it I have seen it, but there are others I can see being a useful tool to work with in paint.net. This took about 12 layers. I see posssibilities here.


janet thats badazz,

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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Back page 125 for some fractal like stuff:


Easy one:

1. on the first layer run codelab 'RadialColor'

2. add a layer blend mode 'negative' and run codelab 'RadialRainbow'

3. add a layer blend mode 'negative' and run codelab 'Neboulous'

4. Flatten all, duplicate and flip horiz.. blend mode 'Glow'

Hum, at some point I also played with brightness/contrast and curves.


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I promise this is the last try I'll post in my attempts to get the fractals done with out using outside programs well for a wee bit anyways.

@madjik tried those code lab ones might work on a different item using them completley forgot about them! smack in the forhead

anyways here is one 100% PDN my version of a fractal called

wisp of lace


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Just wanna tnx to all developers of paint.net (plugins also).. Its amazing what people can do with this proggy which installation is less than 2 mb.. One more time thanks a lot.


Added original picture (name: Picture 237.jpg ...just resized) for comparasion

At the edited pic (named pwc06.jpg) i've used sharpen and played a while withs some adjustments:

Conditional Hue/Saturation & Curves



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@BB looks like grid was used and maybe sin waves?

would love a tut.

and for those who want to check out my da (link is under my sig) I put up a few pointers on how I made the PDN fake fractals there. check under concept of fractal PDN syle and I added a few other fake fractals all 100% PDN that I haven't posted here.

How's that for self promotion :wink: I need some more hits on my da account. chow

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Does anyone know what this effect is actually called? I have no idea what I should name it for the tutorial...

@oma, Wrong on both counts. There are just 2 steps though.


One step involves drawing regular old bezier curves...;)


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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Radial blur deluxe :wink:

Ding ding ding... :D

Way to ruin the surprise! :evil:

Oops :P

I use that effect a lot so easier for me to guess :)

Anyways, you can call your tut fractal with Radial blur deluxe? maybe? :?:

The whole 'Fractal' hype seems a bit overrated and fleeting. Besides, I'm not sure this qualifies as fractal art, or even a cheap knock-off...

Of course, "Twirly Wireframe Lines" doesn't sound any better...:lol:<----------my best guess!


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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