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I'm serious! All I used was clouds, pixelate, median blur, levels, outline, seamless helper(?), fragment and different blending modes...

really? And you wind up with a fragmented PCB looking thing? Tut fo duh masses there BB.

retired from PDN forums. Later dewds

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The third one.

Ash, are you sure you didn't use twist for the wavy star you posted and made a quicky on?

And everytime I do what's on the quicky, the sides of my star thingy-ma-bob fade... I tried to adjust the contrast, but it still fades, unless you make the contrast slider go to 100, but then I'm just left with an ugly white blob.

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Ash, are you sure you didn't use twist for the wavy star you posted and made a quicky on?

And everytime I do what's on the quicky, the sides of my star thingy-ma-bob fade... I tried to adjust the contrast, but it still fades, unless you make the contrast slider go to 100, but then I'm just left with an ugly white blob.

Yes, I am sure. It's all sine waves. But keep in mind, you can use any effects you want as long as it gets what you want. Everyone can use different path to reach the same goal.

Using twist will result in something like what someone2016 post here ^


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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Ash, are you sure you didn't use twist for the wavy star you posted and made a quicky on?

And everytime I do what's on the quicky, the sides of my star thingy-ma-bob fade... I tried to adjust the contrast, but it still fades, unless you make the contrast slider go to 100, but then I'm just left with an ugly white blob.

Yes, I am sure. It's all sine waves. But keep in mind, you can use any effects you want as long as it gets what you want. Everyone can use different path to reach the same goal.

Using twist will result in something like what someone2016 post here ^


and the color:


I forgot to add this:


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