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Made a new sig tonight, iono if i like it more than i the one im using now, but i thought it was pretty cool, pretty simple, but i liked the final product.


It's too large, but I believe you know that. Good job!

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tried creating snow like text:


Needs something, but what?

a little bit of frosted glass and outline object earned this....i think this is more snowish.....the text can be made more readable if the size of the font would have been more

I was aiming for a "If I packed snow into the shape of a word..." or "If I took a giant cookie cutter that spelled out "Someone2016" and used it to cut that out of the snow..."

i dint quite get u

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It's not that we don't like it, it's just that we've seen a lot of those planety things. The tutorial is very popular with new users.

Ack, I was caught with my noob showing ... :oops:



100% paint.net

One sad attempt at a sig, but it's all about the intellectual property rights anyways.

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I have not posted in awhile but I do come by to see everyone's work. I tried for awhile to draw with my wacom but I find it easier to just use the mouse. It is getting easier with practice. Still working on the hands.


see your little princess hasn't been eating chocolate. :lol: she has such a nice skinny waist.

very well done love it.

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*Update of my artwork*


Nostalgian Signature


Poker Chips - Thanks Cjm!


Almost same nostalgian signature


My try at Ncfan51's ;)


Self Made Fingerprint


Polar inversion signature , i think this is one of my best


Abstractical Background :)

Thanks for watching!


wear our signature and earn 50 studiocredits. pm me your username if you want to participate.

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person with long hair

100% pdn


looking good so far the hair shadow is a bit too vivid try just doing a small little groups of hair around the face on separate transparent layer under this main layer . Then do your shadows on that skimmpy layer of hair around the face and not on this main layer. you get the idea of shadow and the mind will fill in the rest. you might have to play with the placements for the best effect but that way you avoid the big massive face covering.

are you going to go further with the contours? maybe some cheeks and a chin? check my facial contour basics in the tut section when I get back later today I'll put up a bit based on your picture if you PM me the PDN. to show you aprox placements and blurs etc.

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Hers mine! I am new t Paint.NET but old to MS Paint. I make a lot of signatures for me.



th_ThirdStreetTito.png My friend made this for me. (I dont know how he did it)

That first one is one of the best examples of false depth I've seen in awhile! The third one is great too. And the last can easily be learned here. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=21646

The rest of them... meh, they're ok. Not really my thing, but still ok. :)

Welcome to the forum!

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ive really been working on my people drawing skills haha, i started with portraits now im working on cartoons, here are a couple black and whites.


Learned how to draw faces, still got some fine tuning to do, but that will come with practice.


Now this one isnt finished, obvisoualy. But im working on 'action poses'. This guy is going to be flying, i think i might redo the lines, i was just learning how to do it.



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